self employment and "gainful employment"
Can anyone help me with this one! I am 56 and although I knew myself for many years that I was on the spectrum I did not get my formal NHS diagnosis of ASD until a few weeks ago (after several years waiting for referrals etc)
Like many with ASD the condition has caused me to have a chequered work history but I was forced to give up work altogether in 2006 to become a full time carer for a family member who was very ill for and extended period. By 2009 I realised that for a combination of care committments (I also have two children with formal ASD diagnoses) regular full time work for an employer was a non starter both because of my caring committments and also because of the social communication and organisational problems I acknowledged my (then undiagnosed) ASD and I knew as a practical option the best thing was to turn my hobby (making old fashioned "proddy' rugs) into a small microenterprise and go self employed.
Making rugs takes a lot of time anyway but I now realise with hindsight as a result of research I undertook after my diagnosis that I was not as on the ball as I perhaps should have been with the marketing/sales side and instead tended to sit at home working rugs to build up a considerable stock.
In light of this new realisation I am taking steps to obtain business advice in respect of marketing etc but I fear it may be too late.
I have just received a letter from my local council stating that they do not consider the efforts I have made over the last number of years as being "gainful employment' under the regulations in force governing housing and council tax benefit and in light of this have now withdrawn these benefits thus in effect rendering myself and children homeless as I depend on these benefits to keep a roof over my head.
The timing of this is particularly difficult for me. I am still in the middle or the reassessment/self realisation process following the late diagnosis and I realise that my failure to market my goods is simply a common part of the difficulty those on the spectrum have in "blowing their own trumpet" I have 28 days to come up with a challenge to the council's decision which is not nearly long enough as I will need to find someone who can advise on the legal aspects of housing law but also be sufficiently autism aware to understand that although I do intend to make a go of my self employment I needed the formal diagnosis to give me the power to ask for and seek help with those aspect of ASD that cause difficulties in actually making money out of my efforts! Does anyone out there have any suggestions!