Web development
Yes. It's not too hard. I haven't done enough high paying projects to be able to call it my career. The pay for me has been low and intermittent. (But that is entirely appropriate for the kind of work I have done. I haven't been looking full time for projects either.)
To run a modern web browser, FTP client, and source code editor, which you will need for basic web design, you'll need a machine that has at least Windows98 or, if you like Apple computers, Mac OS X . Be sure to load your computer up with more than the recommended amount (and definitely more than the minimum required amount) of RAM for the operating system your are running; this makes the computer have to search the hard drive less for data. If you want to use some more in depth development tools, such as for .NET or Java, it makes sense to get a recent computer with at least a Pentium IV or faster processor.
Oh, and there are webmaster roles at a website (or a collection of affiliated websites). That would be a full time job involving web design.
I have gotten $40-70, over the past year and a half, for four projects.
No, but I am able to afford snacks, DVDs, and more computer books.
The pay for the projects I did was appropriate. But if you go for larger projects you can make up to several thousand dollars per project. And, like I said, there are full time webmaster jobs that you can get.
I have done a bit of this and it's not encouraging.
If you work for yourself as a freelancer, nearly every client will want something spectacular for very little money. They will also have to educated on what is possible and what is not possible at every step.
If you are "lucky" enough to work for a company, they will work you to death, then toss you away like an old piece of fruit when you are burned out.
Web standards are constantly changing, my plain old HTML skills just don't cut it in a CSS world.
Sorry to be so bleak but I am being realistic.
We have art in order not to die of the truth.
Friedrich Nietzsche
I am a web developer, I work for a local advertising company here in my country. I work at home now, fully paid, but i should be in front of my computer from 9 am to 5 pm. My computer is rather slow, Intel Celeron 1.1 gh, 256 mb memory, video card is onboard. I am into PHP-MySQL web development but I am also interested in mobile service development and mobile value-added services such as SMS and MMS. What I do for the company: I activate and maintain websites for online contests and promos. I also create, administer and backup databases, here are sample websites that I have finished recently, www.pinoyexchange.com/happyfeet, www.unbreakababes.com, www.ilovedutchmill.com. At least for me, as for my condition, my current working situation has more pros than cons:
1. i can follow instructions easily as it is easier for me to read instructions (sent thru emails or messenger) than being instructed verbally
2. much concentrations
3. i can sit in front of my computer 8-15 hours straight without saying a single word and no one would ever be puzzled
4. i can always answer the call of nature (peeing is a big, big problem when i am in the office or in a public place, i just can't enter a restroom with people inside - people tend to look at someone who enters the restroom and i am not comfortable with that)
5. i can be myself
6. i can freely read posts in wrongplanet.net
1. i am automatically excluded from the my boss' free lunch and snacks
2. no more free concert or movie tickets, but that's ok, i give it out anyway
3. no more premium items or give-aways from the contest/promos that i have made
by the way, i have no formal college education.
just ASK the aXiS*
I would be a bit iffy about this one... nearly everyone can do it today.... and with the advent of WPF/WCF (.net3)... it's only going to get easier... I mean sparkle is practically a drawing program... the web is transitioning to an application as a document world ... I give it five years, by the time Vienna comes out web developers (The Dream Weaver ones at least) will be extict....
In the meantime if you want to make some extra cash just for the hell of it... print up some business cards and start sprucking the local business... make a web page or two for them...If you enjoy it go for it! -> I reccomend that you set up your own linux server at home to test things on and learn more about a free system (you will be able to make more profit too).
Oh - did you know Msoft Outsources software development now to chinese and indians.(and India has the highest population of software developers in the world)
Guys, I have changed my mind. Yesterday, when I came home from school, with my brain overly stuffed with frets, and my motivation gummed up from all the fretting, my mom told me some exciting news. When I was in high school, I did the morning announcements, and everyone thought I was the best TV anchor in the entire school. Well, yesterday, she told me that the school played back my classic introduction phrase for the morning news, "GOoooooood, morning, ******* high school!" No, the first word is not a swear, I just decided to block the city name due to privacy concerns. That gave her a thought that I might be able to become a news anchor in the future, because I have really good talent in it, so she thinks I might be good in a career in media communications. I know it will require social skills, but look at it this way, if I had really bad social skills, then I wouldn't have even dreamed of being on TV, or the announcements for that matter.
Last edited by Stereokid on 18 Mar 2007, 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hopefully its not what I said that has dettered you from a 'Realisitc'ambition (althoug I don't live in america -> maybe there is enough opportunity there for such a thing)
--Maybe you could test your Comedic/Presentation muscles by doing standup? -> you can start stright away....
..but I would still advise to some sort of hands on qulification (you never know all TV's could go out tommorow from a solar flare or something)
you like computers right... how about something simple like IT -> it's a very broad diploma/certificate -> which encompases everything from Data Entry to Managerial Programming.
Chickens have feathers, Like eggs have shells...being tickled can hurt.
--Maybe you could test your Comedic/Presentation muscles by doing standup? -> you can start stright away....
..but I would still advise to some sort of hands on qulification (you never know all TV's could go out tommorow from a solar flare or something)
you like computers right... how about something simple like IT -> it's a very broad diploma/certificate -> which encompases everything from Data Entry to Managerial Programming.
Un, no, I didn't even LOOK at that post when I posted about media communications, but now that I look at it, it is making me fret even more about my future. Look, I want a career or job that will pay me enough money to pay the bills and spend on the occasional luxury, such as an upgrade to my stereo system, but I do want the job to be enjoyable, and I MUST be good at it.
God, I'm fretting too much.
Is thier somesort of deadline?
many people change jobs/occupations all throughout thier lives -> it's been Theorised that ASpies are usually never comfortable in the one place anyway... so wahtever you choose for your higher education....heck you'll probably end up changing over a Chick anyway. (I dropped engineering just so that I could get more s_x)
$20.00 stereo does pretty much the same thing a $2000.00 one does -> don't waste your life on idol (both meanings and plural) objects.... the IPOD and mobile phone fanatics of the world come to mind.... and if you find yourself, having to have to keep up with the Jones' , just remmember you just came back from Tahiti while they decayed watching Jurassic Park in thier freshly painted Loung Room.
(To those that are looking at me like I am a hippie, I am not, but the free-econmy, doesn't have to swallow up the meagre aswell as the well to do)
Chickens have feathers, Like eggs have shells...being tickled can hurt.
many people change jobs/occupations all throughout thier lives -> it's been Theorised that ASpies are usually never comfortable in the one place anyway... so wahtever you choose for your higher education....heck you'll probably end up changing over a Chick anyway. (I dropped engineering just so that I could get more s_x)
$20.00 stereo does pretty much the same thing a $2000.00 one does -> don't waste your life on idol (both meanings and plural) objects.... the IPOD and mobile phone fanatics of the world come to mind.... and if you find yourself, having to have to keep up with the Jones' , just remmember you just came back from Tahiti while they decayed watching Jurassic Park in thier freshly painted Loung Room.
(To those that are looking at me like I am a hippie, I am not, but the free-econmy, doesn't have to swallow up the meagre aswell as the well to do)
Yes, there is a deadline, but I don't know when it is coming. Probably in another 4 to 6 years. DO not know though.
YEs, a $20.00 stereo will do the same as a $2000.00 stereo does, yes, they both play music. BUT, can the $20.00 stereo pump out as much bass as the $2000.00 stereo can? Does the $20.00 stereo have as much detail as the $2000.00 stereo does? Isn't a $20.00 stereo a boombox? Don't poor quality speakers grate on my ears when played at a certain volume level? Why do you consider these "idol" objects a waste of life? I LOVE stereos!

What's wrong with being a news anchor or reporter? Are they poor?
It's a hard field to get into. Very competitive. You pretty much *have* to be slim, young, and attractive, and being a minority is a particular asset in current times where news stations are looking to increase their diversity. That said, I think an aspie can do this job fairly well, if you're a good social "faker". Like, I'm terrible at making small talk with people or engaging people in real life, but I know exactly what makes a great reporter - what inflections work well, how they should respond, etc. If you can mimic what you've seen to work - both classical "anchor" types and more post-modern, compassionate human versions of the reporter like Anderson Cooper or Oprah - then you could do well at this. Many people are more absorbed in how well they look and whether they can get in great lines. They know how to talk to people so they don't think they have to study the experts and learn how to do it right.
If you have a genuine interest in human experiences - caring about human interest stories like dog shows and the birthday of the local 112-year-old - and are willing to talk to people every day, and work with a team of cameramen and fellow reporters, then you should pursue a career in journalism. But be prepared to be devoted to this career, start with the crappy jobs and put in long hours to get to where you want to go. Don't just expect to become an anchor - unless you're willing to go to a youth-oriented program (Channel 1,for example) you likely won't get an anchor position until you're close to 40 (maybe 5-10 years younger if you're female).
If this sounds like something you'd like to try, look into volunteering at your local community cable station. You might not be able to get on air right away (some stations have waiting lists) but you can volunteer behind the scenes and learn what goes on in production and find out if you really want to endure all the tedium and repeats that are necessary for television production. Many local cable channels have a news program (especially if you live outside of a big city or can get to a suburb - anywhere that doesnt have its own network channel) and you can volunteer to do field reporting - it'll give you an idea of whether you really want to do this. You can talk to other people interested in the field, and they may give you some suggetions on how to get where you want, or some alternative options that might be even more like what you're looking for.