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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Dec 2015, 2:01 am

Though I don't have to tell you that, the last job I had was at McDonald's and I had to leave because they weren't paying me(When i tell people this they act like they don't believe me.)
I did get paid a few months later after quiting
I worked at Two McDonald's and that's the last time, the first McDonald's I worked at only gave me 3 ours every few days (I'm not kidding.)
And on top of that whenever I was there-there were always some weird people coming in, I remember working there on Halloween and some guy scared me to nearly to death in this ape suit. And then this woman came in there with her two kids and her husband and completely freaked out clapping her hands acting like a small child throwing a taturm because her Happy Meals were taking too long. I had to get the manger to come calm this crazy lady down, her husband just stood there looking scared
I also heard one of my coworkers talking to another one about our hair (I am biracial not telling what I'm mixed with but I'm sure you can figure it out.) SHe was like "I don't understand why I got put my hair up, when they can walk around wearing weave." Then she pulled on her hair. "At least my hair is real, actaully attached to my head.) I kind of brushed it off because she was like 18 or 19 years old and had a 3 year old and a black eye...(Not kidding I am serious this woman had a black eye, I'm not sure what happened but her entire eye is just black and red and sawlloen almost looked like someone burned her I dont know.)
I also worked at Wendy's got fired from there because "You aren't friednly enough with the customers, and aren't catching on fast enough."
What happend to all that crap saying "Take you're time, you're doing great.' Freaking liars.
I messed up a sandwich too many times and the manger took me to the back and told me to go home...I knew I was fired because she told me "I'm taking you off of the schudule."
My mother forced me to call back completley embrassing me(I was 17 at the time.) THat's one issue I have is my mother...god she is iratiing when it comes to fast food jobs, telling me what I should do begging me for money
I remember being 16 looking for a job and she kept yelling at me saying "Call them back call them back, you want a job don't you?" You keep saying how you want money but you never want to do anything." Call them back, keep calling them until you get a job."
I keep telling her that's what I'm doing then she rolls her eyes and says "WEll keep trying then, you always act like you're obeesed with money then go get a job."
Yes I know they're a lot of typos...sorry
I also worked at an amusement park, that was hell also I worked in the summer time and the mangers were so mean...they would make comments to me like "You look so clueless." And one manger snatched my water cup from out my hands even though another manger told me I could drink some water because I was working outside all day long cleaning tables. I worked at a resturant at the amusment park and had to clean the tables which were outside.
My mom kept asking me for money that year, she like "Can I get some." Come on give your mommy some money." Can your mother borrow a few dollars?"
She's been doing this for years, she never lived on her own she always needed her father (my grandfathers.) Help she doesn't pay any bills, she has a crappy job that is about to go out of business she is overweight, and daiting some guy that has 5 kids right now.) She acts as though the greatest acomplishment was that she made was having a mixed kid (I'm her only child thank god.) She always brags about how curly my hair is and such...
I tried talking to another family member about her taking my money (I was 16 at this time.) And she told me that "She rasied you, and took care of you the least you can do is give her some money.) I hate that arguement...I never told her to pop me out..she made that choice to have sex with a dead beat (oops I'm getting off track sorry...)
Any way this is just a rant that is way longer than I inteded on it to be


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07 Jan 2016, 6:27 pm Dunno what you expect any of us to say about this. Your mom sounds like a deadbeat to me. If I were you, I'd be trying to find any way to get the f**k outta living with your mom, even if it meant living on welfare and in a government subsidized housing. I don't believe your mom should really be asking you for money, unless you're paying her rent.

As for your jobs, your experiences sound absolutely terrible. But every job sucks in some way; its finding one where you can put up with the daily BS that's key, and also tricky. This past year, the longest I was able to hold onto a job for was 1 month, and the shortest period was 2 days. Worst year on record for me in terms of employment.

So yeah, maybe consider your options on moving out, find a social assistance place that could help you find a job, and maybe your own housing. If there's specifically something you want advice on just say so.

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07 Jan 2016, 6:37 pm

Don't work those s*** jobs. You can do better than that. Work retail, it's better than fast food. I wouldn't work in fast food no matter what the pay was.

And your mother sounds awful. She sounds somewhat racist to me. It sounds like she's focusing on your race in an unhealthy way. I also don't think you should give her any money.

Learn a skill, like typing, or bookkeeping. There are so many better jobs out there. Maybe you can work on your interview skills and social skills with someone. Sometimes there are free career training programs out there.


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07 Jan 2016, 6:40 pm

Typing was what got me the job I have now, which I will retire from, with a pension, in a little less than 7 years.

I didn't have a college degree until I had been working at my job 24 years.


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08 Jan 2016, 11:05 am

I agree that your mom is racist. What the hell? I would call her a deadbeat racist every time she made a comment about my hair, or anything else. And call her a weirdo. People don't say that enough when other people are being inappropriate.

As to the fast food experiences...I personally think everyone who buys food from a restaurant should be forced to work in one for a while. And to really depend on that job so they really have to take the BS from the people who are mean to them. It builds character and makes you kinder to other people in return. And only when you've had a truly awful job can you appreciate one that isn't so bad.

Are you going to college? Do you have an end in sight where you can get a job doing something not dealing with the general public?


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08 Jan 2016, 12:10 pm

You might find out if you can get to a nearby industrial park--many NTs don't like to work there as they don't get the social contact they need. Go there and apply in person.