pawelk1986 wrote:
Moonranch wrote:
I haven't done a lot of paid work but I've done quite a lot of voluntary work to gain skills and experience. Could you do voluntary work? I think it looks great to employers as shows you are motivated to work even when not getting paid etc.
Yes, I was wondering whether to sign up to volunteer at an animal shelter in my town, I've always liked animals, especially cats
I'd say go for it! You never know, a paid role might open up there and then you'd be in an ideal position to get it. If not, at least it is a form of work experience and it is likely you will develop lots of transferable skills. Also, if you are aiming to work in a different field to animals, maybe try to get some voluntary work that is related to it. Then when a job does come up, you'll have given yourself the best possible chance of getting it.
Last edited by Moonranch on 10 Jul 2013, 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.