27 years old and no job experience

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08 Jul 2013, 4:05 pm

We have quite high unemployment rate in Poland (13%),,
I do not have job and I never had, I have Zero experience, I wonder if anyone was ever in similar situations.


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08 Jul 2013, 4:34 pm

I'm close. I'm 38 and only had 2 jobs ever. 1 lasted 2 weeks and 1 lasted 5 weeks. They were so long ago and I remember so little about them that I couldn't really put them on a job application.


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08 Jul 2013, 4:37 pm

I haven't done a lot of paid work but I've done quite a lot of voluntary work to gain skills and experience. Could you do voluntary work? I think it looks great to employers as shows you are motivated to work even when not getting paid etc.


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08 Jul 2013, 5:28 pm

Moonranch wrote:
I haven't done a lot of paid work but I've done quite a lot of voluntary work to gain skills and experience. Could you do voluntary work? I think it looks great to employers as shows you are motivated to work even when not getting paid etc.

Yes, I was wondering whether to sign up to volunteer at an animal shelter in my town, I've always liked animals, especially cats :D


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08 Jul 2013, 6:28 pm

25, but have never had paid work but greatful for having about nearly a years of work experience during degree study.

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08 Jul 2013, 6:46 pm

youtube would be a better choice... harder to fire someone who is self employed and paided from google to make entertainment videos...

my choice


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08 Jul 2013, 8:08 pm

Volunteering is a good way to get experience. And, after a while being there, you will have to get involved and network a bit. Networking to me means learning a lot about the people around you, asking them questions so that you get a good sense of who they are, then telling a bit about yourself in relation to what they have told you.


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09 Jul 2013, 4:52 pm

pawelk1986 wrote:
Moonranch wrote:
I haven't done a lot of paid work but I've done quite a lot of voluntary work to gain skills and experience. Could you do voluntary work? I think it looks great to employers as shows you are motivated to work even when not getting paid etc.

Yes, I was wondering whether to sign up to volunteer at an animal shelter in my town, I've always liked animals, especially cats :D

I'd say go for it! You never know, a paid role might open up there and then you'd be in an ideal position to get it. If not, at least it is a form of work experience and it is likely you will develop lots of transferable skills. Also, if you are aiming to work in a different field to animals, maybe try to get some voluntary work that is related to it. Then when a job does come up, you'll have given yourself the best possible chance of getting it.

Last edited by Moonranch on 10 Jul 2013, 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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09 Jul 2013, 11:38 pm

The other good thing about volunteering, is that sometimes other people at the shelter might know about jobs that have just opened up.


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10 Jul 2013, 10:43 am

I'm 51 and have never had a job; just voluntary work and workfare placements.

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21 Apr 2015, 11:05 am

i'm sort of similiar to you, as in i'm your age except i've never had a professional, career job yet, as in a job that pays well above minimum-wage


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21 Apr 2015, 1:57 pm

pawelk1986 wrote:
Yes, I was wondering whether to sign up to volunteer at an animal shelter in my town, I've always liked animals, especially cats :D

When I was in high school I volunteered at a local non-profit television station. That led to my eventually being hired there and a rewarding 4-5 years working in that industry. So yes, I have found volunteer work to be a possible path to employment.

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02 Apr 2016, 7:54 pm

Same situation, though I'm not quite 27 yet. However, I have degrees (and in computer science too), but think with the H1B craze and my near 3 year gap, I'm all but dated out of my field, I feel I can't handle retail and call centers, don't drive so trucking is out, and that's all that there is pretty much around here. And I don't quite have the funds to move.

Thinking of being an author and going the self-employment route. It would be ideal, except that it's a gamble if I make enough to lose Medicaid but then don't make much for a long while and am stuck uninsured or on that terrible Obummercare exchange that still costs a bundle.