Jobs that would be suitable for me?
I've never had the experience of working or employment and I'm now 20. My only ingoing is my Student Loan and I'm worried by the time my course ends I'll be left in a bottomless pit, or at least would be earning a tiny salary forever and broke at my parents.
I currently study Music Production at University and will be in my final year next year where I will move out my parents and try for more independent living, to build my confidence. Music is my special interest and of course I hope to achieve a sustainable income in this industry one day and have a nice place, but from what I can gather any job in this industry there's brutal competition and I want to work hard of course, but I'm worried my self confidence and anxieties will stop me achieving my goals.
People I knew started getting jobs around 16 and I just saw all my friends earning money for themselves but at the time I was too anxious to try and get a job, even if it is related to my special interest. And now I'm more anxious than ever about it.
I have this core belief I am a burden to people and it would affect others in the workplace. I could not see myself working conventional jobs such as working in a supermarket and dealing with money, as I have a lot of noise sensitivity and being in group situations and dealing with the public are factors I don't think I could deal with, I would just burn out. I feel I don't have the thick skin required for these jobs, but they seem to be the most common around my area.
I also have bathroom anxiety and breaks are really important for me to cope and recharge. Working a job with little breaks where you can barley eat and then work many hours without going to the toilet, I don't see how I could do that.
So I'm really concerned about this all. The summer break is not far off and it is over 3 months long which is just too long of a break to sit on my a** so I thought maybe of applying for a part time job over then. But I have no idea what would be suitable for me. And people are always talking how difficult it is to get a job nowadays let alone trying to get a job in the music industry
Anyone have any advice for certain jobs better suited for people with ASD? I don't drive either, due to motor-coordination issues.
Diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome (mildly)
I think you have the luxury of doing any part time job--even if it doesn't look like a stepping stone to the music industry. You should take advantage of that and look for something with a suitable workplace--for instance--government jobs are often less stressful for Aspies because the pace is slower and things are more rule based--your supervisor will generally side with the rule over the customer. The idea is to adapt to the workplace environment and learn useful office job skills that will help you in the future.