muffinhead wrote:
SocOfAutism wrote:
Was this the interview you were talking about in your other post?
I would say they definitely had a "type" they were hiring for. Also, a friend of one of the current employees could have applied and they would have gotten the job over anyone else. You shouldn't worry about not getting this. It's basically a crapshoot getting this type of job.
Yes, that was the interview I was talking about. And they were definitely hiring a "type," which I apparently wasn't.
Yeah, don't feel bad about that. I also agree with LittleLu's post.
A LONG long time ago when I was a young person I worked in food service myself. I'm NT, but I'm also not the right "type." I could tell that the customers wanted me to flirt with them and make small talk and that type of thing. I just couldn't bring myself to act that way. I would rather make a dollar an hour than do that. And I literally did make one dollar in tips an hour, so I quit and went to work in a factory. Which you could, back then, it was the 90s.
Not all food service is that bad, though. My nephew is pretty shy but he did well working in the back at McDonald's for a couple of years. He was Sandwich Assembly. I asked him for a detailed explanation of his job once and he said, "I put the patty on the bun." Lol. Didn't sound too bad.