that antsy/anxious feeling is slowly creeping up again
since the place i work for...split from the county to become its own authority....a LOT of things have been changing.
office equipment, internet usage, the company we use to get our checks from, and loads of other things...
i've been ok with those.
but the biggest one... is we will soon be MOVING. the building we are in is being costly to us...and is own by the county, to whom my work place has been paying rent to.
and that's where the antsy feeling comes in. in the play i work now, they have giving me a "private" area...where i can "mostly" sit in the dark and work at my pace. but in today's staff meeting... our "stand in" boss informed us that the building...which they have been trying to lay out as it needs to be gutted and rebuilt from scratch on the inside...for our floor, they want it to be office cubes...and open floor plan. and they are allowing only 5 enclosed offices. only 5.
and i'm wondering....where would that put me? and i get all worried about it. i'm trying to stay positive...and hope that my official documentation from getting tested as well as the ADA form i filled out at work when we were under the county, still holds up.
It's like someone's calling out to me. Writing it all's like I'm calling back to them.
(quote from August Rush; but used as a reference to my writing)
My ASD AQ score is 42
office equipment, internet usage, the company we use to get our checks from, and loads of other things...
i've been ok with those.
but the biggest one... is we will soon be MOVING. the building we are in is being costly to us...and is own by the county, to whom my work place has been paying rent to.
and that's where the antsy feeling comes in. in the play i work now, they have giving me a "private" area...where i can "mostly" sit in the dark and work at my pace. but in today's staff meeting... our "stand in" boss informed us that the building...which they have been trying to lay out as it needs to be gutted and rebuilt from scratch on the inside...for our floor, they want it to be office cubes...and open floor plan. and they are allowing only 5 enclosed offices. only 5.
and i'm wondering....where would that put me? and i get all worried about it. i'm trying to stay positive...and hope that my official documentation from getting tested as well as the ADA form i filled out at work when we were under the county, still holds up.
Woof. I can understand why you'd be feeling a bit anxious about that. Best of luck on coping with whatever changes they end up giving you.
well now... not quite related to my original post about moving to a whole new building.... but because of my issues with the lights and sound...i'm being moved to a different desk yet again. why do i feel like I'm getting screwed around and not getting properly accommodated. where I am right now... i liked it. but they put a copier by me...and while it was close to's the only copier on the floor with color. so EVERYONE uses it. even though they have a non color copier in their area. and because of that, they turn the lights on, come into my area for 5 seconds...and then leave...and while some people do turn the lights off on their way out... not all of them warn me ahead of time or ask if it's ok. it's me (one person) vs them. *sigh*
It's like someone's calling out to me. Writing it all's like I'm calling back to them.
(quote from August Rush; but used as a reference to my writing)
My ASD AQ score is 42
a little (and dramatic) update on the new building.
recently they passed out a proposed floor plan for our department. we get the whole second floor apparently...but the layout is insane. and it does NOT look good for me--even with the filed ADA paperwork I had submitted using their procedures and forms. once again, i'm losing positivity about this that a deal can be worked out.
It's like someone's calling out to me. Writing it all's like I'm calling back to them.
(quote from August Rush; but used as a reference to my writing)
My ASD AQ score is 42
wow, this topic about moving is so old now.
but finally, they announced a moving day.... which is apparently in the middle of February.
I am not feeling good about this at all. Although, there was a meeting with my boss the other day last week and we talked about one of the things we could do with the cubical i'm going to be in. If I'm going to be crammed in with everyone else and suffer in the brightness and noise...then I hope that I can get my cubical arranged a certain way... the way I sit at the desk I mean. They SHOULD compromise on that at least.
It's like someone's calling out to me. Writing it all's like I'm calling back to them.
(quote from August Rush; but used as a reference to my writing)
My ASD AQ score is 42
finally have something to update this post with...
so the FINAL moving date was at the end of May. (while I was on vacation out of state too boot! LOL)
i managed to enjoy my vacation (a little few problems non work related though). however on the way home...i was informed that they decided to God mode the agreed upon start time in the new building. before i left on vacation, we had all agreed on a certain time.
so when finally, i saw the new place...the first week was such a struggle. all the lights and sounds and openness.... and now it's been a couple of weeks. i got my start time back the way it used to be. small victory. and while to them it might seem that i'm ok being where i am. i am bothered by it all. and the parking is so not ok. i need a darker area to work with. i need to be away from all the noise. but the floor plan is horrible. and there is construction going on outside all the time. and i will only briefly mention that the file room is put in an awkward location. i'd like to find the college educated engineer guys that created this floor plan and whack them with a tire iron in the face!! !!
(oh an i also found out that someone at the top of the work food chain got to do a pre-walk thru...and saw the way his office was gonna be and had them change it). i'm going to keep the name of the place i work for anonymous....but if you knew the would see and agree with me on how re-donkey-lous this is of how they are treating me....and failed to prepare in giving me any accommodations.) (Sigh)
It's like someone's calling out to me. Writing it all's like I'm calling back to them.
(quote from August Rush; but used as a reference to my writing)
My ASD AQ score is 42