So ive never had a job i have to disclose?

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24 Jul 2016, 7:24 am

so after uni, i plan to attempt to get a job as one would normally do at this point, but my question is do i have to tell them about the whole autism do i HAVE to or can i sort of keep it a secret (even though its a little obvious)

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24 Jul 2016, 7:15 pm

I dont think you HAVE to tell anyone, really. I did not tell my boss for 7 years, untill one day when we had a discussion about my job performance. He said that I was doing a very good job and gave me a raise, then he outlined where he thinks I could improve (eg he noticed that I am not approachable by my peers, and that I am always walking with my head down, and that I fail to affectivly comunicate my needs to other members of the managment staff). After I explained why I do these things, he was a lot more understanding, although he still forgets occationally that it takes quite a bit of effort for me to constantly correct myself (eg fake social nicities as to be more approachable by my peers, block out visual stimula while continueing to walk with my head up, and affectivly comunicate my needs to other members of the managment staff without being offensive). Over time he has adjusted his expectations for my posistion, and this has allowed me to excell at what I do and gave someone else the chance to pickup where I was lacking.


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25 Jul 2016, 2:22 am

you dont *have* to, but it is recommended to mention any relevant traits/symptoms, together with ways you cope with them (extra bathroom breaks, wearing headphones in the office, things like that)


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25 Jul 2016, 3:15 am

randomeu wrote:
so after uni, i plan to attempt to get a job as one would normally do at this point, but my question is do i have to tell them about the whole autism do i HAVE to or can i sort of keep it a secret (even though its a little obvious)

It's your choice. You don't have to tell it, but it all depends on how your autism has an influence on your work and how you talk to other people - and it usually does. Ask your family and friends for advice. Ask them if there is something "weird" in your behaviour or how you talk. Some people with autism may come off as a bit weird if they are stimming or speak in a odd voice - and it's very hard for the aspies to see these signs themselves. That's why you should ask friends and family on how you appear. If you have trouble hiding your autism, you may want to disclose it - that means you employer will have a better understanding of who you are.

The downsides of disclosing is that there are a lot of misconceptions about autism. There are also some people at work who may avoid you, because they don't know how to work with you.

Like I said, it's your choice, and you should only do it if you feel it is necessary.


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25 Jul 2016, 3:46 am

Personally, I would not mention it till after I already had the job and probably only with HR/Management.


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26 Jul 2016, 6:47 pm

Don't unless you want to be patronized.


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26 Jul 2016, 6:59 pm

NEVER disclose before you get a job offer.

In most instances, I would not disclose until my "back is against the wall."

I believe disclosing could "open up a can of worms." And cause people to want to find ways to fire you. know that your boss is an Aspie/Autistic, has family with Asperger's/Autism, seems to be sympathetic to Asperger's/Autism.

In the US, especially in the non-professional sector, disclosing can cause much harm. And they can fire you for any reason, barring a union contract. And it's easy to prove you were fired for a reason other than your disability, unless there's a pattern of firing people for disabilities within your company, and you can be a party to a class-action suit.


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26 Jul 2016, 10:55 pm are so right.


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27 Jul 2016, 2:21 am

Nope. Been in my current job for the better part of a year and haven't told a soul there.

Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.


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27 Jul 2016, 10:35 am

I agree with not disclosing until you have passed the interview and gotten past the trial period. After that, you should do some thinking about whether or not it would benefit you to disclose, and to whom.


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27 Jul 2016, 10:37 am

You do not have to disclose.

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29 Jul 2016, 2:02 pm

This is kind of a grey area at least for me. If you feel your Autism may get in the way of your work, then you can tell them. As far as not having a job before, there's kind of this unwritten rule in society (American society) that you have to get your first job while still in high school. I learned this from personal experience going through a work-training program here in Baltimore. Case in point, I was only 18 and people were already telling me it's gonna be hard for me to get a job because of my lack of experience. I'm like, "I didn't know I had to be working while I was still a minor." Anyway, getting a job out here is pretty rough because of these standards they have. If you apply for a retail position, they'll ask you a bunch of questions about "teamwork", which is pretty useless in comparison to asking what that person could do for the company as a whole.


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30 Jul 2016, 7:27 am

randomeu wrote:
so after uni, i plan to attempt to get a job as one would normally do at this point, but my question is do i have to tell them about the whole autism do i HAVE to or can i sort of keep it a secret (even though its a little obvious)

So I just answered this but I will answer again.

Honestly, discuss this with your Clinical psychologist on how to approach this subject with your boss because this might come off to your neurotypical boss who is not aware of autism and doesn't care. Bottom line is I feel the need to disclose it because things happen to me in the work place and also my bosses always OVER estimate me because of my presentation.

Being it that I had abusive parents who beat me and demanded I talk a certain way and look a certain way I come off as a rich well educated man and any job I get my bosses tend to think I am an amazing find which I am but when my problems come up its often a problem.

I've found though even after disclosing they still over estimate me and then they become disappointed in me but confronting it head on letting them know is really a good thing for you and your career.

Now if your one of those Xanga quizers or self diagnosers or your mother or family told you this and you have no official diagnosis then stop don't go to your boss because you might not even have Autism. Go see a Clinical psychologist get a diagnosis of whatever or they clear you of having nothing and then come up with a battle plan.

If you don't want to though you don't have to. In my experience it has only helped me.