Am I bound to be homeless?
I'm 21 years old, have no skills, never did, could not graduate high school due to extreme social anxiety and now stuck at home with my parents for god knows how long. I don't have any friends, my parent's cannot financially support my needs except give me a home but they could pass anytime and then I have nowhere to go. I have had 3 jobs but left all of them within the first year because I get generally embarrassed of my actions in the work place aswell as not being able to make more than 200$ a month. Nowhere will hire me full time if I tell them I have Aspergers and if I dont tell them they think I'm extremely weird and just wont hire me. I can't drive anymore because I have a suspended license due to driving without insurance driving to my first day at my new job. I quit the job the same day because I saw no point in walking miles to work. I have no other transportation, I have rods in my back from scoliosis surgery and walking more than a mile really puts work on me and leaves me sore the whole day. I have been denied from SSI and any other financial help...what do I do? I just sit at home depressed all day and lay in bed. I have no hope.
I'm in much the same situation, sans scoliosis and I did get my GED right out of high school and did some college, so I can answer "some college" anywhere that education is a question. I live with my father and my sister and I do all the housework, so that makes me feel like I'm contributing a decent amount, considering my condition.
I've had 2 jobs at coffee shops in the past. I worked full time at the first one for almost a year, then was incapable of showing up due to stress. They still hired me back a couple years later because I was absolutely the best worker there, but I left them with notice for Starbucks shortly after, then the same stress overload happened a few months later.
I definitely don't mention Asperger's/ASD in an interview because no one understands what it really means, you might as well tell them you can't lift 5lbs. But when I'm emotionally healthy, I can be really good at interviews just because of my general cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
I was also denied SSDI, but I didn't appeal, and most applications fail at first and succeed on appeal, so that may be the answer to both of our problems.
I think about being homeless all the time, I even have a sort of plan for what I'll do to survive. Now I'm just doing what I can, and waiting for the day that my father kicks me out.
You should appeal the SSI decision and consider getting a lawyer to help you. The lawyer fees are paid for out a future SSI award, so you don't have to pay the lawyer upfront. It is a pretty bad system they have with SSI decisions that usually you have to go to a judge to get the benefits. Its not like SSI is automatically lifelong anyways, since they can review it every year to every 5 years. The only case where I think it may be OK for them to deny people is where the person has pretty limited medical files and they only had small gaps in employment, or were currently working at like 70% to 90% of the SGA limit. Someone who falls into that should have to talk to a judge. However, someone who hasn't worked in 2 or 3 years, or never has worked more than a few months at a time, shouldn't have to go to a judge. The original intent of the program was for people getting SSI to also have Voc Rehab assess them for possible jobs, but funding was cut under Jimmy Carter, and further cut in subsequent years. Voc Rehab these days often doesn't do much to help people, as they try to close a case really fast on the cheap and many people wind up being placed in a job that they cannot handle or get terminated quickly from.
Don't have kids no time soon sign up for vocational rehab in your state and get a government job