Once landed a job as a hotel room worker (I was actually excited at the time to have landed a job at all but that soon changed), and we were told simply to work fast and hard. I was new to the job and in such a hurry to keep up that I kept missing odd smudges here and there when cleaning, which were pointed out to me loudly and frequently. I don't think they intended to keep me there very long.
Two Polish girls were hired shortly after, both of whom seemed to be close friends outside of work and who, basically worked as a linen folding team. Anyone who's worked with large sheets knows that two people get the job way faster than one, so I was trailing behind in their wake. They chatted away in Polish, passing instructions back and forth to each other, they were like a smooth, highly efficient machine. I was never entirely sure what to do so I couldn't even understand what *I* was meant to be doing in turn.
Of course, I ended up becoming the third wheel, and one day they just told me to get my stuff and go home. They didn't explicitly say it but there was no way I was going to be able to keep up with those relentless speedy Polish girls all on my own. I was so pissed off I didn't say a word, I just turned on my heel and walked away. It felt *good* at the time.