Problem with Employment Professionals
I have re-written this and now posting it here. The original is or was under members only discussion but I left a note there asking the mods to lock it there or delete it. Topic fits better here I think. I am new here. Thanks.
I am receiving voc rehab services due to a disability other than autism. (Original autism dx was many years ago at the age of three when the recommendation was institutionalization but fortunately for me, Dad fought it. Unfortunately there was few to no supports in place back then. I am currently talking w a professional about the autism stuff, sensory difficulties, delayed speech, meltdowns, face-blindness etc... and investigating whether or not my old testing records still exist).
OK. I had one interview for a "paid (by ovr) internship" at one place but the interviewer was nasty and I reported them to an agency for something they did.
I suggested another place. Job Coach A set up an interview and I am now working part-time at a low stress job and I like it.
Job Coach A said they would drop in.
Instead, some person I never seen before came. I will call them Job Coach B.
No phone call about a change in Job Coaches (I suspect the change was made due to complaint about first interviewer). I thought that was rude.
1. I want to tell the job coach B that when there is a change in personnel in the future, I want to be notified with a phone call. How do I say this without sounding rude???
Next thing, Job Coach B talking to my boss in front of me as if I wasn't there. "We have to watch the people in this case they leave early..." and so on. (I said "I will call you if I leave early" but I was ignored).
2. I want to ask Job Coach B not to talk about me as if I wasn't there. How do I say this without sounding rude???
Third thing, Job Coach B told boss that I am "competent" in front of me as if this was a compliment and I had never seen Job Coach B before! This was not a compliment to me. I think it was a substitute for the words "high-functioning " and those words serve to deny me the services that I need. (I have marked difficulties with some things). I think this was said to placate me because complaining marked me as a difficult client.
3.How do I address this with Job Coach B or is it better to skip this one???
Fourth, Job Coach B called me on the phone to ask if I had stayed for my whole time or did I leave early. This is not acceptable to me. I have limited energy and do not wish to be disturbed at home by the phone over something like that.
4. I want to repeat my statement that I will call Job Coach B if I leave early. That i do not wish a weekly phonecall from Job Coach B about this. (Keeping track of my own timesheet is apparently not allowed). But I am afraid this will increase my rep of being difficult. Yet, a phone call from them once a week about this is not acceptable to me (and I don't check my emails).
How do I say this without sounding nasty???
Thanks all.