Public sector and large private organisations are the worst for being negative about things like this. they are happy to hire a token black, asian, albino, cerebral palsy, wheelchair bound etc staff member so that they can say they believe in equal opportunity employment, but for things that involve the level of subtlety that AS does, they simply are unable to deal with.
anti discrimination laws are all well and good, but what company is going to be stupid enough to say they would not hire someone because of a disability, especially in todays 'tolerant' society? of course they are going to come up with a legitimate excuse to fire or not hire someone.
Regarding interview disclosure, unless you have a case worker who can intervene for you, do not say anything until after the job is yours. then wait and see what sort of people you are dealing with and how badly the job is likely to affect you.
It is much easier to fail an interview than it is to fire someone.
Recollect me darling, raise me to your lips
two undernourished egos, four rotating hips.
Hold on to me tightly I'm a sliding scale
cant endure then you can't inhale