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11 May 2017, 4:52 pm

Hello to anyone who is reading this,

I have recently been doing pretty well and decided to apply for apprenticeships I was super excited as it'll be my first job, I filled everything out honestly (aspergers, anxiety + education struggles) and applied for a couple of things. I've waited for a couple of weeks now so I checked my account for this apprenticeship finding website and it turns out they've declined me. So I told myself 'don't get upset Anna, there'll be other things', I've just been going through the website and there is nothing at all that I can apply for, i'm just so done with trying and never getting a positive outcome. It's because of my Aspergers I know it is, I was so fed up of it holding me back and was going to change my life but noooo thats not how life works Anna. I apologise for ranting I just had to get that off my chest and this is the only place where I feel I can do that without people invalidating my feelings.

Anna x


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13 May 2017, 8:05 pm

heyitsannax wrote:
Hello to anyone who is reading this,

I have recently been doing pretty well and decided to apply for apprenticeships I was super excited as it'll be my first job, I filled everything out honestly (aspergers, anxiety + education struggles) and applied for a couple of things. I've waited for a couple of weeks now so I checked my account for this apprenticeship finding website and it turns out they've declined me. So I told myself 'don't get upset Anna, there'll be other things', I've just been going through the website and there is nothing at all that I can apply for, i'm just so done with trying and never getting a positive outcome. It's because of my Aspergers I know it is, I was so fed up of it holding me back and was going to change my life but noooo thats not how life works Anna. I apologise for ranting I just had to get that off my chest and this is the only place where I feel I can do that without people invalidating my feelings.

Anna x

I would not mention any disabilities before you actually get the job. Employers may have many misconceptions about certain disabilities, and divulging your disabilities right from the start gives them an easy way to discriminate against you.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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29 May 2017, 3:49 pm

Chronos wrote:

I would not mention any disabilities before you actually get the job. Employers may have many misconceptions about certain disabilities, and divulging your disabilities right from the start gives them an easy way to discriminate against you.

The problem with that is it doesn't change anything about you except sometimes it can make things worse because they notice you are "off" and then you just look incompetent/unprepared. If you know that you don't show it then you don't have to disclose.
Of course I still struggle with this because the few times I have disclosed I still don't get the job and I know that they could think "so she can't fix it" but on the other hand most times I don't so why haven't I got a job then either?
It's one of those damned if you do damned if you don't scenarios but the practice interviewer did say while it's up to me it might be best to do it before we get into the questions and clarify it won't be a problem on the job because there was a woman who couldn't smile so she disclosed prior and she got the job.


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29 May 2017, 9:09 pm

when someone offers you an apprenticeship, then disclose your diagnosis/diagnoses. request reasonable accommodations. before the job interview, go over the job description, and come up with some accommodations you could use.

some schools arrange internships for their students only.

when i was at a 4 year university, all or almost all the internships had a GPA quota that i did not meet. or otherwise other students beat me to it.

went to a community college. much less competition. at the school i went to it's called Cooperative Work Experience.


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29 May 2017, 10:22 pm

I would advise you, if you are high functioning like me, to not mention your Autism and aim for male-dominated fields.