ZedSimon wrote:
Gotta side with Doug on this one. When you're not happy, all the money in the world won't cure you. I've been there. And sometimes the answer to the problem is not easy.
Your coworkers can sometimes make a really dull job fun. I have some great coworkers, and on days I just don't feel like dealing with the routine, I remind myself that they're all there to take my mind off it. We're kind of our own support network, and we draw strength from each other and have little get-togethers when we can. So short of just up and quitting for a new job, you might try to make the one you have more interesting...with a little help from your friends. If that doesn't work, then head for greener, more stimulating pastures.
Good point. I think the happiest I was at my job was when I got along well with my co-workers. Unfortunately my situation now isn't so good for that. I am the lone techie working with a whole bunch of sales guys... pretty much the polar opposite of me. They are nice to me sometimes, but only because they need me to get their jobs done.
If nothing changes pretty soon I think I'll have to look for a better environment. Thanks.