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22 May 2015, 1:21 pm

Hey, I'm new here! This is only my second post. Anyway, does anybody have a list of jobs a person with aspergers might be good at? I'm currently working in the mail room of a big trucking company, which doesn't pay enough to move out of my parents house and is so detail oriented that all the names and places and quick pace can overwhelm me pretty fast. I just graduated from technical school with a degree in printing, but I've found that nobody around here actually respects technical school degrees. The only way I'd have a chance there is to go back to college for further education, but I have neither the time, money, nor patience for that. I'm really good at writing stories (or so I've been told) but that's about a reliable a source of income as winning the lottery. I think the job I enjoyed most was pushing carts part time at Walmart, since that had me doing physical work with minimal customer interaction. That didn't even come close to paying the bills, though, of course. Anybody have some suggestions about jobs I could look into?

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23 May 2015, 9:43 am

Acting is one.
I dont know what your flavor is on the spectrum so all i could give are generic answers.
also, thought about moving to an area which would be useful to your technical degree?

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23 May 2015, 11:26 pm

Accounting and Programming is all I can think of.


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23 May 2015, 11:48 pm

It seems like the people and environment can matter more than the type of work.

IT can be great if you have the skills, but if you don't have IT skills maybe try computer-focused office work? Data entry, administrative assistant, etc.

I have a blog - Here's the post on social skills.


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23 Jun 2017, 3:48 pm

Stareted off in retail, then merged into a call centre, then did some more retail, then ended up in an agency. Last one I think was a garden centre, and the only real job satisfaction there was clearing up, real organisation, not the multi-tasking which I was picked on for. They also self-managed all their labels, o it took alot of time to understand the process and to bar code them all off. Hated that. In fact, I don't understand why I was put in anyof those jobs to begin with when it made my feelings of peer pressure alot worse.
Data entry skills would be something I'd love to get into, but when anything voluntary comes up its a list as long as your arm. Even now, organisations are hitting back at people by making them do CRB checks which they don't pay for anymore. There are no individual skill set requirements for jobs these days. Its all teamwork, self managing and deadline completions. When will things ever change and adapt to ensure non-discrimination and fairness in the place of work? :roll:

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jun 2017, 7:48 am

This is my first time ever posting!

I spent many years in my early 20s working as a ski lift operator. My job was to sit at the little shack at the top of the ski lift, alone, and hit the stop button if a person ever fell while getting off. I read book after book, and the most interaction I would have would be to ask a person who fell if they were okay. I only saw my manager at the beginning and end of the day.

I've often thought being a fire watch would be a wonderful job.