My oh my, is starting a new job a terrible experience! Even with this new antidepressant working thru my system, I can't help but wonder.
I rather like being unemployed. There is no definition. No limitation. Start a new job and it's all about waiting like a month or two to get a couple paychecks under my belt. The managers are always super critical, as if that helps anything. The men want me to be an offensive bro. Apparently, my respect for women is unnatural.
Fear mongering is big these days. If it isn't the Muslims, it's the crazy ghetto kids that "always" kill innocents. I look at my coworkers and just hate this brain. It hates me too. Everything so dull. Can't find anyone willing to pay me for mind challenging work, so it's back to making pizzas. My fingers smell of pineapple and meniality.
I tried starting a conversation with a female co-worker. She's all like: I went shopping today. "Oh yeah? Buy anything cool??"
She stammered. Then politely explained that she bought bras. It was obvious she was unsettled about speaking of lady undergarments. Of course, underwear is just clothes to me. No more unsettling to me than talk of puppies, light bulbs, or tampons. But, I live in this guarded world...where being logical is cold and creepy.
Is a gift of foresight valid if the future isn't worth looking forward to?
A couple of my male coworkers asked about my tattoos. Do I just like tattoos or did I get some in prison? When I told them I've never been to prison/jail, they seemed shocked. Odd part is that one of the dudes is Black. Had I openly assumed he is an ex con cuz of his tats, I'd be considered a racist monster.
But, from what I hear, it's not easy being anyone these days. Everyone so caught up in complaining that we just see the negativity.
Meh. I wish my books would take off. Get a fat royalty check and go live in a cabin for the rest of my life. But, windfalls don't have to happen. Perhaps the best thing to ever happen to me is this pizza job. Channel optimism and rationalize it as a step in the right direction.
God laughs and says, "Well, Jim, given the state of your existence, I can't see where I'd fit in a sense of belonging for you."
Yeah, God, I know.
I get it.