I am new to this community.
I was in tears earlier while reading some of the posts by educators which really struck a chord with me and mirrored my own experiences. I too have been teaching for many years while dealing with the added stress and anxieties attached to AS. I do, however, feel immensely proud of my achievements, although it hasn't been easy at all. Along with lots of tears, there have been so many rewarding moments.
I am due to commence a university programme and have come to realise that very little research has been conducted on teachers with AS. I think it would be wonderful if I could produce some literature on the unique teaching strategies and daily struggles of ESL teachers, in particular.
I hope to make contact with any ESL teachers who may be interested in contributing toward my research.
I believe we are wonderfully unique teachers, and I want make a contribution to removing stigma attached of educators with AS to produce evidence of successes and achievements gained, despite the struggles we encounter on a daily basis.
Right now I am in holiday (on my own, as usual) in a quiet hotel in an attempt to recharge from my recent experience of teaching over the summer period prior the commencement of my studies.
I hope some of you will make contact with me.
Will update with improved language/grammar at a later date.