Why don't you think for yourself?
A. Ok, you want me to do something or you want me to answer a question. Here is the issue I've had with people in my life. When someone is speaking to me it sometimes comes across as wah, wah, wah like Charlie Brown's parents or part of what you say is lopped of in my mind. I can't think on anything you have said because I only have a part of what you said and without the other part it comes across as pure gibberish.
B. Ok, you want me to think for myself in other words you want me to make guesses or approximations as to what you wish. I have an issue with this. None of us our perfect and none of us has a complete understanding of reality. I only have my understanding of reality and so do you. Therefore, your interpretation of what is real may be different then what is mine. Your red is my green. I can make guesses as to what you want but are you going to get upset or annoyed if I get you wrong. You say I should have known better. How should have known better? I DON'T THINK LIKE YOU! And, none of us thinks exactly alike since we all come from differing backgrounds with differing experiences. None of it is exactly the same. And, I'm autistic. So, I already think outside your box Mr. Educator and Mr. Employer. Let's look at this as an example.
We have what is called the 9 dot puzzle. The problem they state is "The puzzle proposed an intellectual challenge—to connect the dots by drawing four straight, continuous lines that pass through each of the nine dots, and never lifting the pencil from the paper."
The problem with this problem is it never really states what box or who's box am I to think outside.. Some would say my own box. Part of my box or set of assumptions is that I'm expected to stay within these stated parameters. If I draw five straight lines then why wouldn't my answer be valid since part of the assumptions given is that I'm expected to stay within the given parameters. Let's take this further. Part of the given parameters or assumptions is that I'm to solve the problem or the problem has to be solved at all. If I gave this as an answer and refused to solve the problem itself as part of the employment exercise would my answer be seen as valid or would I be in trouble for insubordination? What specific set of boxes am I to think outside of and what boxes am I to constrain myself?
From Jefferson Starship "White Rabbit"
"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
And the white knight is talking backwards
And the red queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head, feed your head"