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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Nov 2018, 8:59 am

Does it drive anyone else absolutely insane that the neurotypicals are allowed to spend 2 hours on the clock chitchatting about unrelated-to-work nothing, and that makes them look more like "team players" to management, but if we finish our work early and still have hours to go on the clock, God forbid we get caught reading a book about a special interest or something e lm se equally non-work-related?

(Plus, that you then have to LISTEN to the two hours of vapid nothing???? When everyone has Skype For Business so they could have the exact same irrelevant conversation silently?)
:evil: :evil: :evil:

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27 Nov 2018, 9:45 am

The corporate world can be like that.

I don't think they can complain if you read a book during your official lunch break however.

When I was working I never used to enjoy meetings much. There was seldom much to be said. I would chat briefly to people about other things as well as whatever business they needed said/ done, but I've never experienced people spending two hours chatting.

With my most recent full time job I always preferred to work on my own. Since I was responsible for ordering and maintains levels of packaging and dry goods supplies / logistics, this wasn't too difficult.

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27 Nov 2018, 10:28 am

Their yammering means that no one is paying any attention to me. I get more work done that way.


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27 Nov 2018, 10:39 am

Needs_Anonymity wrote:
Does it drive anyone else absolutely insane that the neurotypicals are allowed to spend 2 hours on the clock chitchatting about unrelated-to-work nothing, and that makes them look more like "team players" to management, but if we finish our work early and still have hours to go on the clock, God forbid we get caught reading a book about a special interest or something e lm se equally non-work-related?

(Plus, that you then have to LISTEN to the two hours of vapid nothing???? When everyone has Skype For Business so they could have the exact same irrelevant conversation silently?)
:evil: :evil: :evil:
Ugh, that happened to me in school. After the break, the GD overly social teacher came back to the classroom. I was sitting there reading a book, lots of other pupils were chatting with each other. He only focused on me to put away that book.

Yep, they drive me up the wall!

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Nov 2018, 11:06 am

Lunch break? What is this "lunch break" you speak of?

Plus, they're not socializing at lunchtime. It's all day, every day.

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27 Nov 2018, 11:19 am

All the places I've worked had designated lunch breaks of 30, 45 or 60 minutes.

But yes it sounds as if they are chatting way too much.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Nov 2018, 11:56 am

We're theoretically allowed 60 minutes for lunch...but it's all unpaid, so everyone just eats Sad Desk Lunch every day so they don't have to stay even later. We have to do timesheets even if salaried, and work we do at home doesn't count towards our 40 minimum hours of non-lunch Butt Time.

No concept of rating productivity by whether we, you know, finish deliverables on time. I think 1950 called and they want this job back (except without the pension or security).

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27 Nov 2018, 12:19 pm

Th corporate world so often seems to be run by reincarnated Pharisees where rules and regulations are more important than actual productivity and job incentives.

I've been in places like that. My last full time job, there was on,y a handful of employees about 10, but everyone had to wait until exactly 4:30 pm not a moment earlier or later, then all leave together like a school class.

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27 Nov 2018, 1:42 pm

It has never driven me absolutely insane, no. It's annoying, yes, but you have to pick your battles.

At my last job I was seated next to a very social, pretty irresponsible jabbermouth who would hold lengthy PERSONAL! phone conversations about her kids, parents, vacation, etc. Eventually my complaints about having to listen to all this got her moved to a different cubicle, farther away from me. And eventually, my complaints about her nonresponsiveness to co-workers' needs as well as customers' needs matched what the managers themselves were experiencing. One year she complained on the phone, to one of her "friends" outside the company, that (boo hoo!) she wasn't getting a bonus this year!

I just smiled and went about my business.

A finger in every pie.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Nov 2018, 1:52 pm

Thanks, Bea. I don't mean to pick a battle: venting here is much safer!! ! But it's SO annoying when the people who waste time socializing are valued for being "friendly team players"! Why is chitchat about nothing a valid use of work hours, but no other personal activity is? Grr.

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27 Nov 2018, 2:18 pm

My BF always hated "team building" events when he was working.

Being almost certainly on the spectrum himself, he far prefers to go about his technical troubleshooting skills than participate in idle chitchat.

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27 Nov 2018, 5:28 pm

This sucks but it's what capitalists do. They're far less threatened by the lemmings yammering together than by the one lone ranger with their nose buried in a book. They want slaves, after all, not potential revolutionaries. I'd say try and find a job where lots of other people read instead of gossip - but I don't know if you love your job or not. I hope it gets better for you, anyway. :)

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27 Nov 2018, 11:08 pm

Yes , they talk too much and too loudly and there are too many of them


The most recent company ended my internship early.

Human resources manager told me that the boss said that I didn't "communicate". Well enough

Wtf :?:

The boss was flapping her trap about politics and diets and I could hear her from across the hall

She was not on lunch break

"Communication" is a euphemism for, barking like a dog.

Every time one of those self important lil dipshits has a thought or emotion , they act like they made the largest greatest scientific invention
