Yup. Its one of the most handicapping aspects of AS as far as I'm concerned, because NT people can't SEE it, so they cannot comprehend how impossible it is to remained focused on something you aren't obsessed with. Its one of those "Oh, EVERYBODY goes through that" things, where they just don't get that NO, EVERYONE does NOT experience this to the extreme level that someone with autism does.
My parents used to think I was the laziest bum on Earth when I would lose a job and wait for six or eight months until another position in that field came open, instead of taking any old job that was available. I could not get through to them that I cannot work in a factory or at a convenience store, not because I'm too good for that, but because I would go INSANE in less than a month (actually, I would just get fired for not paying attention and screwing something up). Anytime I tried to do something like that, even in an emergency, I was suicidally unhappy the whole time and couldn't wait to get kicked out. Even at jobs I enjoyed, the stress of socializing with coworkers every day would wear me to a frazzle after about eight to ten months, and by the middle of the second year, I'd get fired (and dance a happy jig for the vacation).
Just one of many things that had made me feel like a loser all my life, that made so much more sense once I was diagnosed.
"Strange, inaccessible worlds exist at our very elbows"
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft