First, I don't have to work for money. My spouse earns much more than I ever could, much more than any of us is willing to spend.
I'm trying to finish my PhD studies in theoretical physics and I can't. My mental health is in poor state, I can't work. I had a major mental breakdown over two years ago and all my resources went to recovery, leaving almost nothing for work.
Then the family. Two demanding children and a husband struggling with his own issues. I do my best to support them, burn on in and it is quite invisible. You can't put this into your CV, even if you perform miracles.
I have had given up my career in science before. And came back a few years later. I love science. I love to learn. I love to explore. But I can't stick to a career path they expect me to follow. I can't pursue titles, score publications, apply for grants...
I just don't know what to do. If I could do anything, I would like to read Marx to check if I am right that he underestimated the social effects of technological progress... which is pretty obviously totally unrelated to what I should be doing.
Any thougths welcome.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>