Disclosing your disability
I disclosed my disability in October 2017. It was not something I wanted to do but something I thought was necessary. At the time I was working in a noisy call center (yes it IS the worst job for an aspie with sensory issues. However at the time I needed a job badly) Anyway I disclosed my disability in hopes of getting accommodations. Needless to say after that the HR department made my life hell. First they gave me some noise cancelling headphones that were so heavy that I could barely use them for an hour and also they made me feel like I was in a cave and had a bad echo. The second paid wasnt much better. They were lighter weight and the noise was just as bad as it was with the standard issue headphones.
After I was employed a year I had to fight for and did receive intermittent FMLA. First my Dr signed the form and the HR dept made me do it twice because the wording didnt suite them. After that I began using my FLMA as needed. That was the straw that broke that camels back. I was called into HR along with the manager of Customer Service (who has since moved on but thats a completely different story). They said that I was using my FMLA too much and that they had scheduled a consultation with a Dr of their choice for a second opinion.
After that meeting he concurred with the notes my doctor gave them but even more so. That PO'd them. So them I was put on a performance improvement plan (blatant harassment and a way to retaliate against me). That lasted 3 months once a week.
We have 1 year reviews and during that time you have to write what you feel about your performance. So I did truthfully. Shortly after that I was presented with a severance package. The package did not contain a letter as to why it was being offered. In the meeting with the HR head she said "I know you are unhappy here so were offering you X weeks and continuation of benefits for 1 month." Well the offer was for such a short period of time that I refused to sign it. After legal consultation I was advised to go for a higher amount. They quickly refused my counter proposal so now a lawyer is involved.
I dont know how all this will turn out. I need to get out of this job and while I want to its a daunting task. I will turn 62 in April have done IT most of my life (the only reason I took this was I needed a job). I have transferable skills to go to something else. I live in an area where IT is not in strong demand. After applying numerous times I get nowhere. The reason is I think is due to my doing contract work most of my IT life so I look like a job hopper. That coupled wit the fact that I have almost 2 year of customer service as my most recent job and the chances of getting an IT job are slim.
So if you every disclose at a job tread lightly. In my case I thought it was in my best interest. It clearly was not due to the toxic management and environment. Now I feel like im stuck.
you are so right. then comes the harassment and other things that go along with it. On top of that I cant get a reference from the company because i counter offered the severance package. They claim they are doing you a favor and a way out but no one does them without an arterial motive like wanting you to quit so they dont have to give you unemployment.
I never recommend disclosing autism to an employer. It's an invisible disability and nobody can tell you have it for sure, though they may suspect, and there is a lot of antagonism surrounding it.
It's possible though that you may have caused some of your "harassment" yourself by the manner in which you used your FMLA. Staffing levels in a call center are very important (because they affect wait times) and if you are unpredictable, it's a real hardship. I did have an FMLA due to physical ailments and tried very hard to let my supervisor know exactly when I would need time off. And I more than pulled my weight in terms of working through office parties, taking extra holiday shifts, etc. which demonstrated team spirit and commitment.
Don't give up on getting an IT job - but give up on getting a well-paid, upwardly mobile position that you think fits your experience. Age discrimination is real and hard to prove. See if you can get something that's kind of low status, at least it will pay your rent.
Also, at 62 you can retire with Social Security. Then, since you are not working currently, turn that around into a claim that due to your disability, you CAN'T work currently any more - and apply immediately for Social Security Disability. (You can do this after you are already on Social Security retirement.) You are much more likely to be approved for SSDI at this age than if you were under 50. You can use the FMLA and the dismissal as supporting factors. It costs you nothing to apply, worst case scenario you will be denied but you can always appeal that.
Why is it worthwhile to do this? Because, as you probably know, if you start collecting Soc. Security at less than "full retirement age," you get a lower monthly benefit for the rest of your life. But if you are approved for SSDI, you will collect the benefit level that you would at full retirement age - for the rest of your life. In my case, it was another $200 a month, forever. Definitely worth doing!
A finger in every pie.
I would have to agree about not disclosing. I did a few years ago when I found out I had autism, but at the time I had a boss who was an awesome person and therefore wasn't fazed by it. She simply said she knew what kind of person I was and I was a great librarian, so she didn't see why it should be a problem. This is what you hope will happen but seldom does. My son was not so lucky. He works for a mega store that everyone knows but I will not name. I have found out from several people that this particular store chain is terrible to their autistic employees and unapologetic about it. Anyway, the store manager at first loved him because of his hard working and upbeat nature and told him he was going to make sure he got a promotion. However, the moment my son made the mistake of telling him he has autism, it all went away. Now he is disrespected and treated like he is stupid, and every time he tries for a promotion the store manager blocks him from getting it. My son reported this manager to corporate for discrimination, but nothing was done. I hope someone sues the pants off of that company and I hope it is soon.
What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger
Crazy thing is that I turned down their severance package and still work there. They want to get rid of me but cant find good cause to fire me. They tried to get me with the intermittent FMLA, Failed. They tried to get me with the ADA, Failed. They just cant stand that they have to give me accommodations and Im just waiting for their next trick.
I never understand people giving blanket advice to contact HR. HR exists to protect the companies interests, not the employees. Yes, that can also be to an employees benefit, when it keeps company policy in line with the law, but that is the goal - to protect the companies interests.
The ineptness may be a strategy to get to to leave on your own. You mentioned headphones being to heavy, inadequate etc.
This makes all aspies look bad. You're using your diagnosis as a shield to do the bare minimum while others are working.
You should be grateful you have any work, I'm 40, barely surviving contract to contract, and between contracts now. The reason I came to this board was to see what people said about us getting on SSDI if we can't fit into the workplace.
You should be grateful you have any work, I'm 40, barely surviving contract to contract, and between contracts now. The reason I came to this board was to see what people said about us getting on SSDI if we can't fit into the workplace.
And...here is someone having trouble staying in his workplace. Perhaps, you'll want to get to know people a little better before being so judgmental?
I'd normally say "Welcome to WP" . but I'm going to hold off a bit this time. See how it works?
You should be grateful you have any work, I'm 40, barely surviving contract to contract, and between contracts now. The reason I came to this board was to see what people said about us getting on SSDI if we can't fit into the workplace.
Please don't guilt-trip sisland. In employment situations, it's every man for himself. It's not like an army of Aspies is going to show up at his workplace and picket until he is given better terms. The company tried to jerk him around, and now with a good lawyer he is jerking the company around. *applause*
As for you, I'd be happy to discuss SSDI with you in a separate thread, but let's not derail this one.
A finger in every pie.