Advice/stories/info for single, stay-at-home mom with kids

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Joined: 15 May 2016
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Posts: 20
Location: Tennessee

23 Apr 2019, 11:05 am


Is anyone else here in this position? Advice? Direction? What are you doing to take care of everything?

I want to work from home because I'd like to spend as much time as possible with my kids, ages 12 and 10 (both girls). My younger daughter is an Aspie and has ADHD... medicated (going through h*ll with homework and hygiene). The older one is NT and very socially active and on the cusp of all the wonderful stuff adolescence has to offer.

I don't know how to juggle this. I'm looking at proofreading jobs since most other at-home employment requires phone work--I live in a small apartment with a noisy, high-strung beagle mix, so no remote call center option. Online chat jobs only pay around $10/hour, which is not enough to cover the cost of health insurance and living expenses. I don't have extensive proofreading/editing experience and the places I've applied to haven't gotten back to me (guess I didn't make the cut). I don't know what else I can do on a work-from-home basis that doesn't require phones or a specialized education/degree.

I am divorced and receiving alimony and child support--it is enough to live off of for food, Marketplace insurance, lodging, and transportation... but I can't afford anything "extra" like little vacations or clothes, etc.--and I haven't saved a penny in the past year. Unless I earn a lot or find a job with benefits, I'm basically working just to keep my health insurance (I'm taking Vyvanse for ADHD, so I need health insurance).

I'm praying the car doesn't need to be serviced. I can't keep going on like this. I am so stressed out I can't sleep. I am afraid of what I will owe in taxes next year since I can't seem to save $$.

Am I missing an obvious option? What are other people doing to make ends meet, make sure the kids do their homework/get home safely, and carve out time to take them to doctors' appointments and extracurricular activities?

Thanks--just knowing other people understand the situation would help right now. Looking for anyone else out there dealing with this.

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