248RPA wrote:
I’ve hated every job I’ve ever had, volunteer or paying, and never lasted long, likely because I get anxious on the job. Surely many people here have had the same problem. What have you done to cope/manage? How successful was it?
Hello 248RPA,
I can so relate to what you are saying.
I am Aspie and find that I get so very anxious when I am doing a set hour job (9 to 5) simply because I am not just able to go home when I feel like I need to.
Also I find I get anxious around workmates who do not understand anything about ASD.
So I have come up with a solution that works for me.
I love driving and I love computers so put both together and my ideal career is being a taxi driver. Sure I still have to deal with people, but only for a very short time.
Hope that helps.