ooooooooh boy can I relate, folks!
The longest job I've had was about a year and a half in a call centre - but I never took calls, I did processing at my little station and kept to myself. I did make a couple friends there.... and made enemies with the most social of the girlies there (also the most easily offended. I guess I made a comment one day that made her feel foolish so she made it her mission to cause trouble, spread lies, etc.)
But it seems every job I go to it's the same thing... I just can't get along with my workmates - particularly bullheaded management-types!
The more people I deal with, espeically coworkers, the more burned out I get.
Wanna' know the real irony? I LOVE the feeling of helping people! I'm actually a pretty good salesman IF I know what I'm selling and I'm allowed to do it *my* way. Problem is, all the retail-flunky shops want you to push extended-warranties (aka pure cash for the company) and I simply refused to when I knew it was a lousy deal. Management does NOT like a low-ranking employee telling them (directly, indirectly or even accidentally) that theirs is a bad idea.
Most jobs only last about 6-12 months. I've GOT to do something different! One job I loved doing and could have done for a long time, was work the file room. Organizing, finding, replacing files in storage. Peice of cake. No stress (though many couldn't stand the job - too many numbers confused them...) and I could even listen to my MP3 player. But then the company laid off a third of the workforce. +50 of us out on our ears.... but the boss got her last licks in and FIRED me on my last day. Nice, eh?