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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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18 Mar 2020, 3:34 pm

So it's been about a week since I had my interview and it has been very stressful lately.

First, I was sent to the wrong location for the interview, so I ended up being half an hour late instead of early, although the interviewer did not seem to mind.

Second, the Coronavirus outbreak hit New Rochelle the hardest, so my family was greatly affected and started stocking up and quarantining at home.

Third, My dad lost his job (temporarily) due to restaurants being closed down. My uncle also lost his job (temporarily) due to closures.

Fourth, My grandmother fell, which was mostly my fault, since I at the time didn't want to watch her. (learned my lesson)

Fifth, my Vyvanse prescription was sent to the wrong pharmacy and I didn't realize it, now I have to deal with the hassle of fixing that. (Plus my mother told the pharmacy to cancel the prescription because I forgot to tell her that I upped my dose by 10 mg, so I definitely have to fix that)

Well it's been stressful, and I really find it hard to buckle down and focus and do things. But I have to come up with a resume to apply to Boston Market as either a dishwasher or a cook. I had hoped to get a good job with this interview, but now that it looks like it didn't work out, I have to go back to applying to any job that I can.

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Steve B
Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Apr 2020, 8:23 am

Sounds like a stressful interview


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06 Apr 2020, 12:15 am

Confused_Sloth wrote:
ut I have to come up with a resume to apply to Boston Market as either a dishwasher or a cook. I had hoped to get a good job with this interview, but now that it looks like it didn't work out, I have to go back to applying to any job that I can.
I'm sorry things went wrong. Things are very stressful for you rite now & probably will be for a while with this virus going around. You have a bit of time to work on your resume cuz lots of places are not hiring till the virus gets better & they can resume business. I don't know what Boston Market is but restaurants will not be open rite now unless they do takeout & they wouldn't need a dishwasher for that. BTW my 1st job was a dishwasher & I did that for 10 months. It wasn't that bad for the most part except during rush hour. I need to get a part time job cuz we could really use the extra money(have alot of credit card debt) but I don't wanna risk screwing up my disability benefits so I'd have to make under a certain amount every month. I have to be picky about what jobs I apply for cuz I have lots of various mental & physical disabilities besides Aspergers that really limit me with employment but dishwashing is one of the jobs I'd be interested in.

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