Asking supervisor for concrete advice

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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Joined: 11 May 2015
Posts: 126
Location: Utah

01 Mar 2021, 4:26 pm

I am doing a legal internship with a state administrative department (would rather not get more specific then that) and I recently got an assignment with little more than a sample (that was on a totally unrelated issue with totally unrelated laws) and basically told to just have at it. I have never done anything like this assignment before (actually issuing an order for his boss to approve) and I am a little lost on it but when we had a meeting to discuss it he just kept saying things like "tighten this part up" and lots of other very unconcrete things. I'm not sure if he knows I am autistic or not (my supervisor does, but he is not my supervisor, just an attorney in the office, not sure if that information got passed along) and I doubt he has any experience working with autistics even if he does know.... so I am not sure how to breach the subject without looking incompetent, incapable, or like I just want him to do it for me.