kraftiekortie wrote:
When I had COVID, it took me 3 weeks to fully recover. But I wasn’t vaccinated, since no vaccine was developed in March, 2020.
I had COVID about 2 weeks ago. I wasn't vaccinated, but I had very mild symptoms: fatigue and short of breath after doing something. No other symptoms; I didn't feel really ill. After about 3 days, I felt better. The quarantine rule is 5 days, and then wait until all symptoms disappeared. In those days I was gaming and watching YouTube videos. I didn't even take paracetamol; I just didn't feel sick enough.
In the last two years I have been ill twice before corona. That was't corona, but I had a cold and felt more terrible. I was in bed with a strong headache. In both cases PCR test, but the results were negative: no corona.