rse92 wrote:
Texasmoneyman300 is a fantastic poster.
I would say that he needs to be realistic about the type of corporate job he could reasonably get at this point. Plenty of people who got good grades in college are serving coffee at Starbucks. Not to say that is the best he can do, but he needs to show some work history and proven work ethic.
I practiced law at the highest levels in New York City, and I wasn't too proud to take a job stocking groceries at Walmart when I was down and out. Any job is better than no job.
Any job that refuses to pay a living wage is worse than no job at all because all it will do is use up the time and energy one could invest into finding one that does.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.