I need a better job, just not sure how to get one...

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13 Aug 2022, 1:37 am

Currently my job is ok, I work at an animal lab...veterinary and even people medicines get tested there. but my job is just to interact with the animals and clean their enclosures. And there are parts I like, of course the animals love me because well I have always been good with animals I can comfort them and give them atteention they like so of course they like me. But it only pays 13 an hour and well I want to get off the SSI but I cannot yet it is just I went to my sisters wedding and it was really nice...and I'd like something nice or me and my boyfriend. But we can't even get married becausue it will effect my ssi which for now we need to survive. But if I could find a way to get a job to make more money to where I don't need SSI and my boyfriend succeeds at a youtube channel he wants to try and start we could maybe go on to better things. I just do not want to keep being on SSI becausue I think me and my boyfriend deserve better I just do not know what to do...I don't have an education past HS aside from attemtpting college and failing because my PTSD makes it hard to sit in a classroom and not get overwhelmed by hypervigelence, but if I could learn something that would for sure get me a job I'd be happy to do it. It is just what if I invest in some
kind of online courses for a trade....how would I know it would for sure get me a job.

I mean I have very little money to begin with so I would not want to invest in courses or classes if there is no actual garanteee of gettting a job of some sort with said certifications. Like I want to do something but it is too risky to do it if I don't know that it will make me any money and what me and my boyfriend need is money....so can't really waste time on things that won't potentially produce that. so Idk I think maybe I need to pursue some certificate program that could get me a better job I am just apprehensions of starting out an education process because I feel I got really screwed over people telling me I'd be fine in regular college, but I never was so I am apprehensions about any futher education beyond HS but also I don't want to be shoveling crap at an animal lab long term. So idk do I bite the bullet so to speak and try to learn a skill that could get me an actaul good job or just keep going from dead end job to dead end job.

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15 Aug 2022, 10:45 am

I would try something in health care. Wouldn't the government pay for these sorts of courses while you're on SSI? You don't have to be a CNA. You can be an X-ray technician or something like that. Health care is very "recession-proof."

Or....how about a veterinary assistant? You can be something similar to a medical technician---except you would be working on animals.

But people health care is probably more secure than animal health care.

I would certainly not rely on a YouTube channel for immediate cash gains, or for some sort of income. Very few YouTubers actually make much money out of their channels. It takes a lot of luck.


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07 Sep 2022, 2:56 pm

Can you manage to follow instructions and do physical labour?

Virtually every skilled trade is hiring all over the place because people don't want to get their hands dirty or break a sweat building things. They'd rather get a certificate in network security or something and compete with 982438948943 other people applying for the same job instead of apprenticing a trade.

Trades apprenticeships are educations - and they pay you to learn vs. you paying for classes. If there's a trade that interests you, contact the local union that represents them and inquire. Some may require you to pay to take an introductory level class at a vocational school before they'll consider employing you, but others have their own union schools and upon successful completion of a 6 week year one course will sign you up for a union job and put you to work. Starting pay should be higher than 13/hr, and after 4 years or so will be double or so what you started at.

Skilled trades can be quite lucrative, especially doing your own contracting or side jobs. But even working for the man you can earn $35-45/hr + medical, dental, pension etc benefits. Just gotta pick something and get to work.

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11 Sep 2022, 9:31 pm

one job someone recommended to me online is remote customer service- it is a good time to get a new job as wages are sky rocketing for many reasons. $13 is unacceptable and not logical to work at that wage imo with inflation how it is and how it will be- where I am less than $15 is rare for any job. (though I live in a high wage state)

In order to survive most people will have to learn a new skill or trade to be viable in the changing/evolving economy.

You could look for veterinary tech jobs at other places and maybe find one that pays more or look for a job where your skills are transferable. (doesn't have to be the exact same job- there are other jobs where you work with animals or where you have to clean etc)


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11 Sep 2022, 9:35 pm

One other thing you might consider is to look at google maps- all of the buildings in your area. See if any of them strike your fancy as somewhere that you might like to work, then go in and talk to them see if you can get your foot in the door. (or look them up online to see if there are any posted jobs)