I have a diploma of Executive Secretary (although in my country this is mainly a "female" job), but I do simple printing and copying work. I still want to be an Executive Secretary but my boss always finds an excuse for not letting me advance in that direction.
My boss isn't interested in my skills and capabilities, nor in letting me learn organisation specific knowledge, but blaming me for not advancing. He should know that he (and he previous bosses) diagnosed me with a learning disorder and won't learn me anything. I know he is afraid of me because of my very high intelligence. I will sue the previous bos for making a diagnose (although he is not a doctor or psychiatrist), for slandering, for corruption and for discriminiation.
I have a carreer coach and he rightfully accuses my employer for not examining me, what my skills are. It would have been easier for me to find a job that suits me more than the current job. I don't know much about myself, nor does my boss. It is bloody shame.