Blue Thunder wrote:
Hi all:
I was let go from my job of nearly 10 years within hours when a new manager found out I had an Americans with Disabilities Act letter outlining needed reasonable accomodations to do my job well. I never received those accomodations and the letter was ignored. The result of all this is going from working full time to being unemployed. Are there resources out there to help people on the autistic spectrum such as myself to advocate for themselves? Thank you!
I can try to help you a bit as I worked in HR and employment law is one of my special interests. Did this employer have an official HR manager and did they receive your letter? Did they provide you a reason for termination in writing?
In these situations it depends on what you want out of it. Do you want to sue for discrimination or do you want your job back? Or do you just want a different job that will accommodate you?