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30 Apr 2024, 6:40 am

How long is the longest you have ever held a job? What was your job title? What was hard about the job?

What kind of job promotions have you had?

How old are you?


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01 May 2024, 3:15 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How long is the longest you have ever held a job? What was your job title? What was hard about the job?

7 years. (It was supposed to be 6 months, but my contract kept getting renewed.) Software engineer. The hardest part was having to work in an open plan office; bright lights and audio-visual noise.

What kind of job promotions have you had?

None. Ever. I have neither skills nor vocation for managing either people or projects. Someone tried to promote me once, but I refused. I realised after many years that what I do is not a career, but a trade. That's the way I like it. The more experience I gain, the more I get paid.

How old are you?



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01 May 2024, 6:08 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How long is the longest you have ever held a job? What was your job title? What was hard about the job?

I've been doing the job I do now for nearly 20 years, but not as my full time job. I always did it as a side job but it's only for the last 3 or 4 years it's been my only source of income.

The longest I held a proper job, when I had an employment contract was 4 years. I was a magazine editor. There was nothing objectively hard about it. I was left more or less to my own devices and I didn't have to talk to people if I didn't want to. I made it hard by being rubbish at it. I had to plan the magazine, commission the articles, collect them it, edit them, source images etc. But because I'm me, I'd do basically nothing for 3 weeks and then spend a week frantically putting the thing together to deadline.

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
What kind of job promotions have you had?

In my first 'proper' job I was promoted quite rapidly until I was leading a team of 5 people to produce a monthly product. My promotion was less to do with my capabilities rather I was just in the right place when people left the jobs above my level. I embraced the promotions at the time because it was more money and felt like progress but in retrospect, every promotion took me further away from what I was good at and towards things I wasn't very good at like planning/project management and people management. I burnt out on that job after 3 years and was unemployed for the next 2. This is a pattern.

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How old are you?


The world is a big place where things happen almost every day.


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02 May 2024, 1:52 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How long is the longest you have ever held a job? What was your job title? What was hard about the job?

What kind of job promotions have you had?

How old are you?

I dont have a work history.I had only had one W2 job in my life and it was for only 1 month before I burned out.I have been unemployed for going on 10 years.


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11 May 2024, 7:27 pm

The job I'm currently working is the longest I've worked anywhere continuously. That's a little over 4 years. Although, I will be quitting in the near future as I've been treated extremely disrespectfully lately and key people in various departments are headed for the exits. I don't know for sure, but it's probably due to mismanagement.

The longest I've ever worked over all was 10 years for one of the local community colleges. But that was interrupted for prolonged periods of time during that stretch while I worked other jobs.


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13 May 2024, 6:02 pm

all the jobs i had, were the lowest ranking jobs in those companies. minimum wage, unskilled, not professional jobs, do not require a high school diploma, any old monkey. 41 years old. zero promotions. longest job, three years and five months and counting. Lot Attendant at home depot.


almost getting hit by a car a couple times a day

working outside in rain, thunder, lightning, hail

often out of order
not enough toilets in the litterbox
code lock, customers keep asking me to unlock the litterbox. boss said, don't tell customers the code, you have to unlock it yourself. the only places in the building to wash hands, litterbox and breakroom. not enough sinks.
a couple years ago, a day laborer had the nerve to stick his paw under the partition and stomp on my foot, while i was on the litterbox.
customers often make the litterboxes gross.
litterboxes often occupied with day laborers and other low lives

many things to trip on, inside and outside

coworkers that act like mentally ill, convicted felons

rude managers, day laborers, and customers

customers have the nerve to touch me, scream at me, laugh at me, call me "Chino" and say "huh" and "what" instead of "excuse me"

ghettoass coworkers, no manners

off leash dogs

day laborers

tattletale tom micromanaging me

lazy boy steve, sitting around doing nothing half his shifts

head cashier LQ had the nerve to tell me to unlock the litterbox, when i was off the clock 

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30 May 2024, 9:42 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How long is the longest you have ever held a job? What was your job title? What was hard about the job?
20 years on June 6th. Staff Nurse Operating Room. Awake people, most of my colleagues are okay but when they aren't, they aren't. I always tell new people that I mean well and I love everyone so if I say something in a way that offends you please let me know and I will try to say it better. Lately people are much more sensitive.
What kind of job promotions have you had?
I was the educator for awhile, since I am good at explaining things and following policies and best practices. I had to step out of that role though because other people are NOT good at those things and in my field I think there should be low tolerance for safety violations.
How old are you?

47. I always have to do the math on that one. Over sharing again, but in case someone else also feels bad about it, you aren't alone.


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03 Jun 2024, 8:05 am

After 6 years of unemployment, I started paid work at age 27 lasting 3 years and left due to stress from sensory overload (busy & noisy warehouse), and lasted 1 year in a similar job for 16 hrs a week after that for possibly the same reasons and an ultimatum between me and my manager about taking more time off work than was permitted for stress-related reasons (back then i needed a legitimate doctors note for which I had no record of stress/depression and doctors were pretty useless regarding mental health, probably still are).

It amazes me how long people (especially family members in their 50s-60s) can stay in a retail position for 20+ years and I can't even stay in it for 1-3 years, and I already had a reason to leave half way through first year. All my jobs were minimum wage and between 12-48 hrs a week.

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03 Jun 2024, 10:08 am

7 years. I still work the same job as I did from when I was 16 at an ice cream parlour. I like it because of how familiar it is and can't imagine working anywhere else. I'm quite lucky though since it's a family business so getting a job there is quite easy. I like how repetitive it is and it helped me a lot in improving my social skills.

I did work experience this year at a preschool which I really enjoyed but it felt so outside of my comfort zone working in a different environment with different co-workers that what I'm used to. As for the job itself, I get on great with the children. I love watching them develop new skills, creating and doing fun activities with them, helping them reach their potential, etc... Though as much as I enjoy it, I'm not sure I see myself working in this field in the long term as it can be exhausting and the sensory issues than come along with it.


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03 Jun 2024, 9:38 pm

And, I just quit, so the answer is a little over 4 years. But, I've already got a part time job lined up and I've got plenty in the bank, so hopefully the next job will be one that I can move up in. Taking promotions at the last job was always a mistake.