scheduled an in person job interview for Computer Hardware Testing Associate for thursday.
sounds academically difficult and technical, but job description says no experience required.
have to take the bus, bart, and then another bus. one bus scheduled every 12 minutes. bus ride 10 minutes. bart scheduled every 20 minutes and bart ride 75 minutes. next bus 13 minute ride and scheduled every 30 minutes.
work is 8am to 4pm. monday through friday.
@ the bart stations, there are litterboxes, but litterboxes often occupied or out of order. while waiting for the bus, there are no litterboxes. buses often late or do not come altogether. sometimes it's raining. in the winter, it is only daylight 7am to 5pm. in the summer, daylight is 6am to 8:30pm. waiting for the bus in the rain and dark. not a particularly safe area, but not that dangerous either. been in the neighborhood a couple of times before. also do not know how many litterboxes in the building that i might be able to get a job in.
the job description sounds a lot better than my current job, but way too f*****g far away, s**t. no car.