Won't get another job alongside the one I've already got

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Joined: 2 Aug 2018
Gender: Male
Posts: 1,207
Location: Kent, UK

23 Sep 2024, 12:42 pm

At my work place, my hours and other colleagues hours have been cut and so I've only been put down for two days of work every week. I've always done an 8 or 10 hour contract but I seem to think I used to do more than two days in a week even during times of the year when there were no holiday periods. There are now 7 or 8 people including myself who work there no and I seem to feel some of the new-ish people have got more hours than me when I've been there for 7 or 8 years.

I seems to feel that when it comes to my hours being cut, that I must find another job when I don't feel I want two jobs. I still wouldn't take a job in McDonald's or somewhere like that. It feels as though I'm being choosy again like I sort of was during the time I was unemployed.