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King Kat 1

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02 Mar 2025, 3:20 pm

I mentioned this in another thread, but I figured this would be a better place to put this in.

So... I've worked in a warehouse for 20 years, same one. Been in a couple departments but the one I am currently in is where I have been most of my time there. I could go really long but I've had my trials and tribulations there, from dealing with bullies, idiot coworkers, shifty bosses, and Corporate BS.

Luckily, the bullying has not been a big issue anymore, except for this one lady who hates me but it's not every day at least. After seeing me have a couple meltdowns, most people know not to f--- with me and a couple are scared of me. I have been the subject of a couple of rumors and people have lied about me, saying I'm going to go postal one of these days and/or I'd be like the Unabomber. I got drug into HR over one of the BS rumors once. Nothing came of it and luckily that has not happened in years.

Bosses have been hit or miss as have most co-workers. I've met some good people along the way, but some have been the devil's son or daughter. There is a lot of rudeness, selfishness, drama, 2 facedness, and honestly just dumbness with people.

I'm very good at my job, I stay on task and complete my work. Stay out of drama mostly, don't complain much, and don't make trouble (except when I've had meltdowns). Over time I've stayed to myself a lot more and honestly don't talk alot these days.

So, when I first started the company was family owned but about 10 years ago it got sold to this conglomerate, then things went in the dumper. Benefits got cut, raises got paltry, and they brought in these efficiency experts. Which has made the job harder and more stressful. They keep reintroducing things that have failed before and rules change on a whim. Bad actors are coddled instead of being fired.

A few years back, there was talk of trying to Unionize but the company made threats of closing down. So those who were trying to get the UFCW in got cold feet. IMO, we need a union. Word is, the company is about to be sold again and we are wondering what that will mean for us. Doesn't sound good.

So, concerning me, I'm sick of it. The noise, the beeping, dust, it being too crowded, preaching safety but not following it, 2 faced lying managers, s---y health insurance, pointless rules, and micro-managing. I nearly walked out about 2 years ago in a rage.

Thing is, if I quit vac time, seniority, insurance goes out the window. Not sure I'd be able to replace the money either.

Still, at times I think " Just fire me " " just close this place down". At 45 and no college education starting over again would be so hard.

If it were not for FMLA I'd be screwed. Years of dealing with the BS, noise, doing with less, having to heavily mask(or likely be fired), too many people, mind games, and all the rest, TBH I'd love to just retire and not work again. Not because I want to be lazy but because I just feel I can't deal with it anymore. Its just too hard.

Ok that's Rant. Thank you for reading.

The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.” ― Turkish Proverb

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King Kat 1

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02 Mar 2025, 3:22 pm

The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.” ― Turkish Proverb

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02 Mar 2025, 3:45 pm

Yeah i feel like even though i've only been in the "game" for 5 years more or less doing the same work, I know my pay will always be the same with little to no progression to a higher role and I don't have the willpower or patience to study for a better job. And even though i've taken a lengthy break (1 year - technically unemployed), it's been hard to keep the routine because all I have to look forward to are my days off sitting and watching tv.

King Kat 1

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06 Mar 2025, 11:18 pm

News came down. We got sold to a private equity group. * Braces self *

The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.” ― Turkish Proverb

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