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05 Jul 2024, 10:02 pm

Been working @ Home Depot three and a half years as a lot attendant.

Hardly ever heard of anyone getting made redundant or written up.

However, lately, it seems like coworkers getting written up a lot.

A couple weeks ago, Tool Rental Ricky's supervisor MA, said that she was giving him three write ups.

Today, I was looking for the head cashier, and CXM Bao was sitting in Bookkeeping, and Lot Attendant Justin and Head Cashier Alana were standing up. Bao said that Justin "went into the building and got a snack" and Justin said that that was wrong. It appalls me - former lot attendant lazy boy steve, literally spent over half his shifts sitting on the picnic table, and nothing ever happened to him. Until one day, he allegedly called someone to clock in for him b/c he was late, and someone said he got made redundant. Tattletale Tom, had the nerve to micromanage me way too much and he's often on the phone or standing around talking to precious lil "people". s**t.

Hearing Bao's conversation, made me paranoid that Alana would have the nerve to tattle on me. I've been way too uptight, b/c I am afraid that customers and employees are having sex with the boss and they are going to make something up and get my worthless corpse made redundant. ("at will" employer)

Home Depot has been cutting hours lately. (constructive dismissal). It seems like Home Depot is trying to get rid of employees , without actually making them redundant.


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06 Jul 2024, 8:40 pm

Today, while I was on lunch, saw Justin W make a purchase out of the vending machine. Do not know if he was on break. He was wearing an apron. Not everyone has the same lunchtime. Not everyone's lunch is @ the same time. (That's peculiar, b/c just yesterday, Customer Experience Manager Bao had the nerve to tell Justin "you went into the building and got a snack.)

Then, after I finished lunch, I was on my way back to work when Justin saw me and had the nerve to tell me "Excuse me. Can y'all help? I ain't doing yo job for you." "I just got back from lunch", I correctly told the scorekeeping self righteous lil boy. (rolls eyes). He did not answer.

Justin, and many other coworkers, some day laborers, and some customers, get on my nerves for a wide variety of reasons. I work hard and I do not micromanage other lot attendants, even when I think they are not doing their fair share. Other lot attendants, such as Tattletale Tom, often waste one hour or more standing around flapping his stupidass trap. Lazy Boy Steve often wasted over half his shift at the picnic table, and I did not say anything b/c I was afraid that if I did, his (numerous) cronies would've physically injured my worthless corpse. I work in the middle of a homeless encampment, not in an office where everyone in the building works for that company. Home Depot hires convicted felons.

You do not know which coworker:

convicted felon
psychiatric diagnoses
short fuse
sex with boss
gang affiliation
going to physically injure me or take out revenge on me

All you know is that home depot hires any old idiot.

The "knuckle bumping" culture makes me wanna puke, s**t.

Only a couple people in the building even know how to say "excuse me".


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01 Aug 2024, 8:19 pm

Yesterday, right before lunch, my supervisor had the nerve to tell me to talk to her after my lunch. After lunch, she said that "it has come to my attention that you have been walking behind the building." She asked me why. Told her sometimes there are carts and I push them to the front. She told me not to go there unless someone tells me to go there, and that the managers will push the carts to the front. So I said "ok". She said "thank you". Did not get made redundant.

However, been going behind the building @ least once per shift, since December 2021. During that time, went through five supervisors and this is the first one that said anything about it. Some managers, such as Javier, Don, Dave, store manager CG, ASM DS, saw me behind the building and noone ever said anything.

micromanagement makes me wanna puke. but, @ home depot, my jurisdiction is still much better than @ almost any other job. so wtf ever. also, hate the walkie talkies. last friday, the head cashier called me seven times in one hour. sometimes, an entire day goes by with zero calls.

constantly paranoid of getting made redundant. even though almost nobody in the building wears masks, i wear a mask. i'm afraid to do or say something that will get me made redundant. i'm afraid someone will misunderstand my actions or statements and tattle on me, or altogether make up something and tattle on me. i'm afraid a customer will make something up and tell the boss and get me made redundant. maybe the boss is "in" with the customer. everyone has subconscious biases. "at will" employer. any old monkey could do my job. before the current dumpsterfire "job", the job before that was over four years earlier. got made redundant plenty of times. unemployable. and i do not just stand around talking and on the phone, like other employees, esp lot attendants.


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16 Nov 2024, 10:55 pm

Today front end supervisor Angela has the nerve to bark at cashier donita for accepting a counterfeit bill. Donita was on break and they had the conversation in the locker room doorway. Not private.

Angela is much stricter with some employees than other ones. She's all "buddy buddy" with some idiots. Like daniel.(milwaukee ). Playing favorites. Constantly afraid of the made redundant s**t

Gentleman Argentum

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17 Nov 2024, 1:42 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
Today front end supervisor Angela has the nerve to bark at cashier donita for accepting a counterfeit bill. Donita was on break and they had the conversation in the locker room doorway. Not private.

Angela is much stricter with some employees than other ones. She's all "buddy buddy" with some idiots. Like daniel.(milwaukee ). Playing favorites. Constantly afraid of the made redundant s**t

I enjoy your journal entries here. It sounds to me like you are their star employee, you never get written up and the others do.

I got news for you, nobody half-way decent is going to be made redundant right before Christmas, the holiday season means a lot of customers and that means a lot of work. Somebody that does their job and does a lot of work is just what they need around that time.

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.


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17 Nov 2024, 8:06 pm

thus far, i have not gotten written up. that does not mean that i will never get written up. esp since, since april 2024, new front end supervisor. and some other supervisors and assistant managers also new. some others have gotten written up. some others have not gotten written up, and i do not have access to their permanent records. also, i am not their "star employee" according to their standards. been working there four years and one month. only one Homer Award and zero employees of the months. plenty of precious lil "people" been working there shorter time than me and got more homer awards and got employee of the month. but quality is subjective so what the flying f**k ever s**t.

"nobody half-way decent is going to be made redundant right before Christmas". first of all, november 17 is not really "right before christmas". secondly, even if it were, december 26 is coming sooner rather than later.

also, (someone said that plumbing/hardware/lot lazy boy steve, (allegedly) got made redundant march 2024, because he was running late and phoned someone and asked them to clock in for him, and someone snitched on him). however, lazy boy steve had been working there for over eight years at that point. two years ago, hardware associate gregg, got made redundant, and then he said his supervisor got him "unredundant." however, at that point, gregg had been working there 23 years. thus far, i have only been working there four years.

besides, "at will" employer.

furthermore, any old monkey could do my job. otherwise, they could just not hire anyone to replace me. about three years ago, lot attendant justin w (appears to have) quit working at home depot. (maybe he works different hours or different location. i do not know). no lot attendant has been hired to replace him. and nothing drastic happened either.

my dumpster fire "job" is a dime a dozen s**t. there is no such thing as job security. esp in today's 2024 job market.

Gentleman Argentum

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18 Nov 2024, 3:53 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
thus far, i have not gotten written up. that does not mean that i will never get written up. esp since, since april 2024, new front end supervisor. and some other supervisors and assistant managers also new. some others have gotten written up. some others have not gotten written up, and i do not have access to their permanent records. also, i am not their "star employee" according to their standards. been working there four years and one month. only one Homer Award and zero employees of the months. plenty of precious lil "people" been working there shorter time than me and got more homer awards and got employee of the month. but quality is subjective so what the flying f**k ever s**t.

"nobody half-way decent is going to be made redundant right before Christmas". first of all, november 17 is not really "right before christmas". secondly, even if it were, december 26 is coming sooner rather than later.

also, (someone said that plumbing/hardware/lot lazy boy steve, (allegedly) got made redundant march 2024, because he was running late and phoned someone and asked them to clock in for him, and someone snitched on him). however, lazy boy steve had been working there for over eight years at that point. two years ago, hardware associate gregg, got made redundant, and then he said his supervisor got him "unredundant." however, at that point, gregg had been working there 23 years. thus far, i have only been working there four years.

besides, "at will" employer.

furthermore, any old monkey could do my job. otherwise, they could just not hire anyone to replace me. about three years ago, lot attendant justin w (appears to have) quit working at home depot. (maybe he works different hours or different location. i do not know). no lot attendant has been hired to replace him. and nothing drastic happened either.

my dumpster fire "job" is a dime a dozen s**t. there is no such thing as job security. esp in today's 2024 job market.

It may be dime a dozen, but you're not, you report to work, sober, and do the job, and do not hassle anybody or cause problems.

I have survived in situations like that before. The main thing is, do you look good compared to your coworkers? From what you said, your coworkers are bunch of drunks, ex-cons, meth heads, homeless and who knows what else. That makes you look good by comparison. They get rid of you, then what? They have to take a chance on somebody off the street.

My friend Luke (rest his soul) worked at Big Lots as a cashier for 8 or 12 years, I forget, until he got made redundant. He made mistakes too. He accepted a counterfeit $20 bill once, and got written up for that. They only paid $9 an hour and no benefits. He was part-time, they worked him 30 hours a week. He would bicycle to work. He lived with my brother in a little room. My brother charged him like $250 a month.

I do not know why Big Lots let him go, but Big Lots is in a lot of trouble financially, and that probably had something to do with it. Point is, Luke survived a long time, simply because it is a hassle to take a chance on someone new, you never know what you are getting into. I try to look at it from the perspective of the employer, what is best for them. It might be really terrible getting someone off the street.

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.


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25 Nov 2024, 10:30 pm


lot attendants work outside. even though i've been working there four years one month and counting, none of the supervisors or managers have ever acknowledged how hard i work. i've only gotten one Homer Award (when everyone in the department got one) and a couple Bravos (which count for nothing, b/c i was not selected for a homer). never got Employee of the Month or anything like that either. zero write ups and zero occurrences, but that's not unusual. home depot managers tend to completely overlook a lot of things.

it only takes a couple hours of onboarding and training videos to get someone "off the street". besides, everyone that works there came "off the street" at some point or other, including myself.

besides, "at will" employer. home depot does not have a moral or legal obligation to do anything that "makes sense", or is justified, or correct. home depot can do anything it wants, legal or illegal, and nobody can do anything about it, short of winning a civil lawsuit. i am way too disorganized, and financially broke, to win a civil lawsuit. s**t i can barely do anything nowadays. executive processing dysfunction.

Gentleman Argentum

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26 Nov 2024, 6:52 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:

lot attendants work outside. even though i've been working there four years one month and counting, none of the supervisors or managers have ever acknowledged how hard i work. i've only gotten one Homer Award (when everyone in the department got one) and a couple Bravos (which count for nothing, b/c i was not selected for a homer). never got Employee of the Month or anything like that either. zero write ups and zero occurrences, but that's not unusual. home depot managers tend to completely overlook a lot of things.

it only takes a couple hours of onboarding and training videos to get someone "off the street". besides, everyone that works there came "off the street" at some point or other, including myself.

besides, "at will" employer. home depot does not have a moral or legal obligation to do anything that "makes sense", or is justified, or correct. home depot can do anything it wants, legal or illegal, and nobody can do anything about it, short of winning a civil lawsuit. i am way too disorganized, and financially broke, to win a civil lawsuit. s**t i can barely do anything nowadays. executive processing dysfunction.

You never talk about your home life. All your posts have to do with Home Depot. Yet, it does not sound like you are in any trouble at all. I think you will be fine.

I was worried about my job, too. But in the end, it looks like I will survive another year.

My theory is - managers do what they can to instill fear. Because they think it will inspire hard work.

Our minds, aspie, freak out and accept as gospel we are going to be fired. :|

But it is just NT smoke and nonsense. They just want hard work is all. :wink:

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.


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27 Nov 2024, 6:35 pm

"home life"? i do not have a "home life". i live alone. 41, always been single. zero children. parents dead. sister lives 15 miles away with her spouse and kids. zero "friends".

sometimes someone gets made redundant, but there were no signs on "trouble" per se. AAA had the nerve to make me redundant the third day. they emailed me to tell me not to come back. they did not tell me what i did that i should not have done. they didn't write me up or anything like that.

the solar system contains plenty of managers. they have a wide variety of attitudes, beliefs, methods, and techniques.

autistics tend to follow certain patterns. however, not all autistics are the same. not all neurotypicals the same either. eight billion people in the solar system.


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23 Jan 2025, 11:40 pm

Pro supervisor Monae told Tool Rental Ricardo that she was giving him three write ups. ricky seemed perfectly fine emotionally, calm as usual. that was a couple months ago and he still works there.

a couple months ago, former ASM Dave told former supervisor sue and pro cashier jenny that they should not do what they did, ever again. sue and jenny trusted a customer to do something. dave said that if the customer did not do what he said he would do, sue and jenny would get written up.

someone said marcia got made redundant. (didn't specify if it was Cashier marcia or customer service marcia). or what marcia allegedly did to get made redundant.

someone said a cashier got fired for stealing $$. someone said a cashier got fired for stealing candy.

someone said lazy boy Steve U. got fired for phoning someone to clock in for him b/c he was late.

2022, jamiel was barking @ a security guard and the store manager came and i haven't seen jamiel since then.

cashier tamika said former front end manager ashley wrote her up.

tattletale tom wasn't @ work sunday, tuesday, or Wednesday. a couple weeks ago, he was absent on sunday. even though he's full time, i find it hard to imagine that that self righteous self important lil ass hole, has enough sick hours to cover the days he took off work.

head cashier alicia asked lot attendant daniel why he didn't go to the service desk when he was called and daniel said he was spotting a forklift.

head cashier star asked me why i didn't do something when i was called and i said i was spotting a forklift. star asked which driver and i said adam.

Micromanager of the Year goes to (drumroll please): Angela W, b***h! (rolls eyes)

f**k angela w b***h!


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12 Feb 2025, 5:35 pm

Front end supervisor Angela w told head cashier star that star could not take her break that early

Front end supervisor/ cxm/Asm DS told customer service Doan that Doan was "stealing time" by shopping on the clock

One time front end supervisor DS had the nerve to phone pro cashier supervisor sue while sue was on her day off to ask sue a question about the register. (, working off the clock is not allowed. DS just for forced another idiot to work off the clock and she didn't get made redundant)

Yesterday DS had the nerve to tell me "I don't think it's fifty pounds" when I told her that I have a doctor's note that I am not allowed to lift over fifty pounds. The litterbox clearly stated "100 pounds". How the f**k does someone so f*****g ret*d file taxes, s**t?

Security guard Emilio screaming


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13 Feb 2025, 8:25 pm

FES angela put a note on cashier janice's locker that says thank you for your improvement. janice has been working there eight f*****g years, s**t. (It sounds to me like angela told janice that if she didn't do what angela had the nerve to tell her to do, angela would write her up.)

2022, (retired former) tool rental associate bill said that gregg got made redundant. gregg said that (former) tool supersor Ted got gregg his job back. greg has been working there 28 years.

about two years ago, gregg's merchandise got stuck in the vending machine. he banged on the glass and broke it. the store manager phoned someone and they came and fixed it. while i do not "know" gregg didn't get disciplinary action, gregg apparrently hasn't gotten made redundant thus far. besides, @ least once, gregg has won Employee of the Month. plenty of employees (including shortfatbalduglyman), did NOT break the vending machine (or any other merchandise in Home Depot), and STILL have not gotten employee of the month. s**t!

store manager cristina wrote FES/CXM/ASM(? WTF) D. Smith, a "thank you" note and posted it in the hallway.

2021, (then) FES D. Smith phoned (former) supervisor Sue on Sue's day off, to ask Sue a question about the cash register. (it is not allowed to work off the phone. D.Smith phoned someone on THEIR day off, to "force" them to work on their day off. that has GOT to be bad/wrong/worthy of @ LEAST a write up.) s**t! f**k D.Smith!

yesterday, D.Smith said "can you help a customer load a toilet?". i told her "(other ASM's name) said that if it weighs over fifty pounds, i do not touch it...". stupidass DSmith had the nerve to interrupt me. "i don't think it's fifty pounds." "toilet!", i answered. i walked away while Dsmith told head cashier MM to do the loading (with Dsmith). (That HAS to be a f*****g SAFETY VIOLATION, a "final warning"!.) f**k DSmith! smooth talking retardedass b***h!! !! !!)


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13 Feb 2025, 10:20 pm

former store manager gwen said that she had the nerve to write up former lumber associate javier b/c she was calling him and he was in the litterbox.


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15 Feb 2025, 12:48 pm

Yesterday it appeared that ASM Gabriel and a corporate dude Jorge, were waiting for Flooring Associate John M, to get his backpack and walk out. I think John got made redundant

And I am so scared of getting made redundant too

On the other hand plenty of employees do little all day long besides stand around flapping their traps and they have not gotten made redundant because they are "in" with the boss

I am just so scared


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15 Feb 2025, 3:12 pm

July 2021, paint supervisor bao said that he was on administrative leave because he told his employee Beto he was "lazy". Allegedly Beto tried to stab bao with a knife and hit him with a forklift. Bao said that home Depot assigned him to Plumbing to get away from Beto and "everyone is happy".

Scares me because if someone tries to hit me with a forklift nothing will happen to them and I still have to work in the same building as them

Bao is now CXM

Beto is still working here. (It might be a different Beto)