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Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 41
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08 Mar 2025, 11:50 pm

Thursday I got an email invitation to a math test for land surveyors.

It's 72 miles from my house and I don't have a car

Bus, train, bus

Time money energy

Haven't decided if I am going

It might be a once in a lifetime deal

On the other hand I don't know if land surveyors need cars, car insurance, or whatever and I don't know the lifting requirements


Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Posts: 10,655

09 Mar 2025, 10:29 pm

Looked up public transportation directions

Have to leave my house before 7am to arrive at the test on time

72 miles away from my house

Local bus (only scheduled once an hour)

Train (scheduled about once an hour), 1 hour 38 minutes ride ($28 each way)

Local bus, scheduled once every 30 minutes, about half hour ride, to home Depot

1.7 mile walk to land surveyors

Then after that, walk to bus stop

I haven't gone anywhere outside my usual jurisdiction since June 2004

Make a day out of it

Expand comfort zone

Waste time money and energy

No nap

But it is just one day


Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 41
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Posts: 10,655

10 Mar 2025, 11:24 pm

Besides the land surveyors school is too far away from my house and if I went, then I would get back to the train station after the last bus and have to take a cab. $$$$

Also, do not know if they require cars and car insurance. Class a, b or c. Manual or automatic.

Besides eczema

Lifting requirements

Been rapidly getting much weaker and I was never strong to begin with

Not enough sleep

On the other hand, land surveying involves math and I used to like math. Land Surveyors is the closest to structural engineering that I might be able to come to

Living in the past

Expand comfort zone


Rent a car

Airplane ticket

Ain't got no stupidass "friends" to drive me.

(Rolls eyes)

A disaster waiting to keep happening


Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Posts: 10,655

Yesterday, 10:43 pm

Take a nap and go to the library and surf the internet all day long


Waste about sixty bucks and visit a different home Depot and go to the land surveyors to see how bad I am at subtraction. No nap, no library. Get to land surveyors two hours early. Nothing to do

"Much ado about nothing "