Fifty pounds
Been working at home Depot since October 2020. Lot Attendant. Push carts, sweeping, loading merchandise. July 2021, my former doctor wrote a letter that I was not allowed to lift over fifty pounds due to back pain. Human resources said that that was fine with them. Just go around begging precious lil "people" to please lift them for me. (Fine)
Today, a public announcement called a lot attendant to the front entrance and I went. Cashier showed me the customer's merchandise. About twenty sixty pound bags of concrete. As usual I told the cashier about the doctors note and she said get someone else. So I got someone else. A couple hours later, in the break room, my former supervisor (who overheard me asking for loading assistance) told me to go to the human resources office. As usual I was afraid of getting made redundant. Instead the human resources said that the doctor note was 3 years old and I had to get it updated. She said that if my back is better then I don't need restrictions and if it is worse, then home Depot will see if it can send my worthless corpse to a different job, ex cashier. She didn't say anything about getting made redundant for incompetence but implied it. And I said that I have a different doctor now and the last time I went to the doctor they charged me $185. She said she I get 2 weeks to get the form filled out and if I take longer than two weeks I have to go on Leave of Absence. Then I made the next available doctor appointment, in three weeks.
s**t, this is my only "job" and source of income. Afraid that someone will tell me to lift a rock and when I fail I get made redundant. s**t. The assistant manager asked me how much longer I expect to have back pain and I said I am 41 and only getting weaker.
The doctor might not fill out the form or might fill it out incorrectly. Home Depot might Involuntary Reclassify my worthless corpse to Cashier. Really don't want to be a Cashier. Home Depot might reclassify my worthless corpse out the door. s**t.
I've had experience in the past with trying and failing to get doctors or whatnot to fill out work forms. Plenty of things could go wrong.
If I get made redundant I am afraid nobody will ever hire my worthless corpse again. Government benefits not guaranteed sufficient or permanent. s**t
I'm really sorry this happened.
I can understand how scared and worried you must feel.
I know from experience it's normal to have to update medical notes.
That doesn't make it easier for you, though.
I wish there was somehow I could help.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
The human resources told me that I have to update the medical documents every six months. The assistant manager said that I have to update the medical documents every year. I asked the assistant manager if it was every six months or every one year. Home Depot is really disorganized, chaotic. Communication: grapevine.
A previous doctor had the nerve to refuse to fill out forms for work. She told me (correctly) that she did not know if I could do the job, and that she was uncomfortable filling out the forms. Which is correct, but looking @ someone, there is no way to know how much weight they can lift anyways. But whatever. Besides, even if you did it before, it doesn't "prove" that you can do it again.
Another previous doctor filled out the form and I turned it into work. Work told me that the doctor filled out the form the wrong way, and I was afraid that work would tell me to get the doctor to fill out the form correctly.
If I have to go on Leave of Absence, I can't work and then lose $$$.
Home Depot has plenty of entitled, loud, rude, wild animal, convicted felon, mentally ill customers, and I am afraid of being Cashier. Besides, autism.
For a long time before home depot, i applied for a lot of jobs at a lot of companies. Zero offers. Afraid that if, no "job", then end up homeless or something.
june 24, 2024, update
been emotionally overeating even more than usual. gained weight. s**t.
also started applying for jobs. researched, what kind of jobs suitable for autistics.
scheduled a doctor's appointment. went there today. doctor filled out form and gave it back to me. doctor and i both agreed that it didn't make sense that home depot was making me get a doctor to fill out the form, b/c the job description says "lift fifty pounds" and my doctor's note in 2021 said "not allowed to lift over fifty pounds". and i can do all the functions in the functions. but, i work for home depot and i follow home depot's instructions (or @ least, attempt to follow home depot's instructions), and "at will" employer.
doctor told me the form was effective for one year, and during that one year i have to be in a treatment plan. however, one treatment plan for back pain, was online physical therapy. thank buddha, i do not have to take public transportation once a week for a year, all the way to kaiser and back, for physical therapy. i can do it online.
"logic could be used to justify anything".
still terrified home depot might make up some lame excuse to make my worthless corpse redundant. ("at will" employer). home depot has its own lawyers. home depot can do anything it wants, legal or illegal, and nobody can do anything about it unless they win a civil lawsuit, s**t.
My worthless corpse has always had a nervous disposition.
Since human resources told me about the leave of absence on June 4th, been a nervous wreck
Uptight and high strung
Emotional overeating
Work cut my hours, s**t
Exhausted all the time
Bored of myself and everyone and everything
Hate everyone else
Fear everything
Exhausted all the time and have to be near a litterbox all the time
41 nothing accomplished
Not allowed to apply for SSDI because not enough work credits
SSI, I have too much $$$ for. Also, just because I have back pain doesn't guarantee I will get SSI.
Government benefits not guaranteed sufficient or permanent
Still want to be in this precarious position at age 42? 45? 49? 53?
I'd seriously start working on improving your situation. Either for a higher position in Home Depot, or gain more knowledge about the tools, or truck and fork lift tickets, or something in another industry.
If not, this will be the problem every time you need a new doctor's certificate.
assumption makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'mption'.
Getting the training on the forklift & other various warehouse machinery is transferable knowledge to another warehouse or back store job. Altho the lifting limit might still be an issue. Are you good with numbers? Could you ask for some sort of inventory system training?
Also, I've learned that one has to ask for additional training. Asking shows some initiative.
I'd seriously start working on improving your situation. Either for a higher position in Home Depot, or gain more knowledge about the tools, or truck and fork lift tickets, or something in another industry.
If not, this will be the problem every time you need a new doctor's certificate.
All the jobs ranking above regular associate (supervisor, customer experience manager, assistant manager, store manager, and et cetera), are full time, and I can only work part time b/c exhausted all the time. Also, Home Depot open 6am to 9pm and full time employees have to have open availability. There is no way that I could be awake, much less @ work, during that time. Employees also work starting 4am and end @ 11pm. And sometimes, something happens and they work round the clock. Besides, *nepotism*.
Last week, I had a performance review and it was good enough that I did not get made redundant. I asked the supervisor how to get a forklift license and she said, talk to human resources.
A forklift license is a job skill, that plenty of warehouse jobs require. (fine). All things equal, the more job skills, the better. (fine). But not all things are equal. My gross and fine motor skills are so bad that I suspect I have dyscalculia or nonverbal communication disorder (not officially diagnosed). @ Home Depot, any time a forklift hits a pedestrian, the driver and the spotter automatically get made redundant. Plenty of customers are impatient and careless and have the nerve to dart out in front of forklifts (which I have seen before plenty of times). Forklift drivers do not get paid more for driving forklifts. Lift equipment operators do not get raises or promotions. Driving lift equipment is very dangerous, especially around so many customers that do not follow directions. It took a lot of time and effort for me to get a driver's license, and I have never been too great at driving. If I get made redundant, I would have an extremely difficult time getting my next job. As a result, I do not know if the risk is worth the reward.
During the June meeting, human resources told me that the only job that Home Depot has that does not require lifting fifty pounds: cashier. (They also have bookkeeper, ASDS, back office, but those jobs are few and far between.)
Also, I've learned that one has to ask for additional training. Asking shows some initiative.
Forklift driver is not a separate job.
Inventory is @ night and I can't work at that time, b/c the bus doesn't come @ that time. Also, inventory is not a separate job. Inventory only occurs a couple times a year. As a result, I can't do inventory.
Today, as soon as I clocked in, a cashier made a PA announcement for a Lot Attendant, and I came. A customer said he wanted help loading a jackhammer. I told Assistant Manager AC that the customer that. He had the nerve to snap @ me "Ask the customer to help you." So I told him, "Javier said that if it's more than fifty pounds, no matter how many people are lifting it, I do not touch it." AC then said "I didn't know that."
Home Depot's communication and organization are royally f****d up.
June 4, during the original meeting, AC and I sat down and went over the doctor's form. Then in July, Assistant Manager Javier went over the (completed) doctor's form with me. I think all the managers, as well as cashiers and customer service, @ least, should know about my work accommodations. Even better, put my photo on the wall with a sign "not allowed to lift over fifty pounds". (rolls eyes). Those stupidass assistant managers get on my f*****g nerves, s**t. Home Depot is run by convicted felons without critical thinking skills. Those ass holes do not plan ahead. It's like a f*****g three ring circus. The assistant managers do not have "excuse me" in their vocab, just "huh" and "what". s**t!
Seriously, I think AC owes me an apology for not knowing, and Javier owes me an apology for not telling AC (or any other assistant manager.)
home depot makes me wanna puke, s**t!
home depot is a disaster waiting to keep happening!
It gets on my f*****g nerves when ass holes have the nerve to order me to load some heavy s**t. Some merchandise's weight not listed. So I "weight test" it. And idiots keep barking @ me "push!". But, like today, the merchandise was so f*****g heavy that I could barely hold it up, much less "push" and i was grunting but my coworker (not a customer) kept screaming "push!" @ me. (as though I was strong enough to "push" but didn't know i had to push). (rolls eyes). but maybe that's the way the situation appeared to him (them). other customers have had the nerve to bark "push!" @ me too. maybe it's b/c i look like a 27 year old cisgender male but i am a 41 year old female (or for any other reason). annoying lil f*****s keep grossly overestimating my physical strength. and they did not hear, care, understand or believe that i was grunting. parking lot always loud. plenty of customers and employees, hard of hearing. plenty of customers do not speak english. plenty of f*****s do not "listen" actively.
home depot is just a disaster waiting to keep happening, s**t.
assistant manager aaron told me that a manager won't ask me to load anything over fifty pounds, but two different managers did just that. (rolls eyes)
those idiots need to put my photo on the wall of the cashier's registers ("not allowed to lift over fifty pounds"). it is so annoying how i have to tell each reptile, customer or employee, every single stupidass time, that i have a doctor's note. the training videos say that every associate is required to help load, but some of them have the nerve to refuse, and nothing happens to them. i hate having to go around begging bozos for "help". "i am not a slave", one lot attendant had the nerve to tell me. self righteous annoying lil f*****s.
f**k home depot!
f**k assistant managers javier , DS, and aaron!
f**k tattletale tom!
reasons why i do not wanna be cashier:
they get micromanaged a lot (videotape) and every time they go to the litterbox, they have to ask permission. they cannot just spend some time in the lockerroom while they are on the clock.
building loud, plenty of customers hard of hearing (or act like they are), plenty of customers do not speak english.
when i say something, a disproportionate amount of the time, some idiot doesn't hear, care, understand, believe, or remember what i said.
lana, mitch, bob, ham
fast, friendly, accuacy
head cashier observations
customers shoplifting and etcetera
angry and entitled customers, annoying lil dipshits
sometimes two cashiers share a checkstand. if i have to share a checkstand with a rude cashier (and there are so many), that would get on my f*****g nerves s**t
constantly having to talk. do not really enjoy talking
Gentleman Argentum

Joined: 24 Aug 2019
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Posts: 1,019
Location: State of Euphoria
Cashier is a tough job for sure. I would find it exhausting most likely.
I replied to you cos you post a lot of complaints about your job. I don't like my job either and want to leave.
I was headed to the restroom today when three supervisors were standing together. I had to pass them in order to get to the restroom. One of them stared at me and grabbed his you know what. He made a very slow and deliberate pull on his junk. I have never seen a grown man do that on the job.
I pretended like I did not see. I just did not look at what he was grabbing.
It was astonishing to me, because these were all police officers, and one was the deputy chief.
I guess my beliefs about police are mistaken, and I have been wrong, as usual.
It often happens that I get enthusiastic about something, such as police, and believe they are wonderful.
Well - they are not.
I look forward to leaving.
My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.
6/4/2024, human resources at home depot told me to get a doctor to sign a form that said that i could not lift over fifty pounds. human resources told me that the form only was effective for six months.
six months later will be 12/4/2024. two f*****g weeks s**t. until (supposedly) i get made redundant or get made a Cashier.
been applying to other jobs. a couple in person interviews, a couple phone interviews. zero offers.
besides, not many jobs that i qualify for pay more than $21 hour, my current wage. furthermore, almost all jobs too far away by public transportation to get there. home depot's scheduling is very flexible. some other jobs have fixed hours. home depot also has more litterboxes than other buildings (although still not nearly enough litterboxes for all the ass holes inside).
some customers have had the nerve to bark and swear @ me, and if/when i become a Cashier, it will be like frequency, intensity, duration.
f**k s**t damn
(rolls eyes)
afraid that if/when home depot has the nerve to involuntarily reclassification my worthless corpse to Cashier:
they will make my worthless corpse redundant
my worthless corpse will fail to open enough credit cards
angry customers will bark @, swear, touch, threaten, or otherwise MANIPULATE my worthless corpse
i will have to share a checkstand with an annoying as*hole (so many annoying ass holes are Cashiers)
i will not get to the litterbox on time and pee in pants, not get a chance to drink enough water
will make careless mistakes, such as accepting counterfeit cash
head cashier observations
LANA, Mitch, Bob, and et cetera
besides, cashiers can't just go to the litterbox or the lockerroom, like the lot attendants. yesterday, @ work, i took a (30 minute), (40 minute) (30 minute) litterbox break on the clock. cashiers can't do that without someone noticing.
hate getting micromanaged
s**t my worthless corpse is so f*****g scared of getting made redundant or getting made a Cashier.
(Kitchen, Greeter, and Back Office does not do heavy lifting, but they are not hiring, according to human resources).
yesterday, the head cashier told me to watch a training video. in it, a male employee unintentionally knocked a box out of a female employee's arms, picked it up, and gave it to her. she shoved the male employee. he told her that he was going to tell human resources.
makes me wonder, what should i have told HR, that i did not tell HR, b/c of fear that the other employee was having sex with HR? (everyone has subconscious biases)
On June 4, the human resources told me that the doctors form was only valid for six months
Six months after that was December 4.
It is now December 7
Human resources has not called me in to tell me to get another doctor's note this far
I am afraid that the doctor will refuse to write the note and then I won't have a source of income. Otherwise I would end up a stupidass cashier, s**t