You can sell freelance articles for about $1/word, but keep in mind this involves a lot of interviewing and marketing. Many freelance writers supplement their income with other freelance work - editing, technical or copy (ad) writing, teaching, an other part-time work. Very few people can support themselves on what they earn from writing novels or poetry. If you have a nice trust fund set up, or plan to marry rich, then by all means, explore a career in novel writing, but most novelists (including the uber-wealthy Stephen King, Tom Clancy, and John Grisham) started their careers working in other fields before they earned enough to quit their jobs. Many successful writers continue to work until they've published 3 or more novels. Where else do you think they find the instructors for all these creative writing courses that are available at community centers, community colleges, and extension divisions of universities?
If you really want to make a living by writing, you should pursue a career in journalism (or copy writing, if you can handle the social workplace) but if you're looking for a more solitary work environment, you might want to build up other related, but marketable skills (like web design - where you could write the web copy but also have the technical skills to design a webpage).
You can always work on developing your writing and/or painting skills and then teach at a high school or community college (or university if you go and get a PhD) and work on your own stuff on the side, but many people who go this route find that teaching deters them from actually working on their own creative pursuits...