Mw99 wrote:
I was wondering, if my employer ever decides to fire me, would bringing up the fact that I have Asperger's Syndrome help me preserve my job?
Autism would certainly be considered a disability and an employer is required to make reasonable accomodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act. A reasonable accomodation is one that is defined as one that does not pose an undue burden or is unduly expensive and does not alter the fundamental nature of the job.
An employer is not required to lower performance standards as an accomodation and a disabled employee can be held to the same performance standards as another employee.
It would depend on the reason for you being fired. If you are performing poorly on your job and you know you are performing poorly and it is documented, the fact that you are an Aspie will not help you.
On the other hand if the boss holds you to a higher standard based on stereotypes or misconceptions about people on the autistic spectrum, that is valid grounds for filing a discrimination complaint.
Not through revolution but by evolution are all things accomplished in permanency.