This happened to me in the office last week:
Because of hot-desking, I was sitting next to the manager of another section, who up until now I had got along with fine.
She was on the phone to IT, getting them to make changes to the database, also used by my section. (They were really simple things that she could have done herself, BTW.)
Anyway, I could not help hearing every word she said, and basically she was changing stuff that my section do not want changed, without asking us or anything.
So I listened for about 15 minutes getting more & more irritated, and finally I couldn't take it any more, so I interrupted & said "Excuse me X, can I have a word?"
She was mad at me for interrupting but I started asking her why she was changing that stuff because we had spent time putting it on & would just end up putting it back.
She said it was nothing to do with me and just carried on. I had to leave in 5 mins to catch my train home, so I quickly emailed my team's Quality Manager & told him what I had overheard.
He has not responded to me at all, & she has not spoken to me since.
I suppose it was my AS that made me act that way - I can't stand it when people meddle with stuff they do not understand; I was irritated that she was going on and on and on when I was trying to work; I genuinely believed that the QM would want to know about it, because he always complains when people do stuff like she was doing.
Yeah, I was rude - I even meant to be rude! But now I have to work with these people.
Why, oh why, do I do it?????