Do you have a job, and if so, what kind of job?

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01 Apr 2008, 7:28 pm

I don't have a job at this exact moment. But maybe in 6-12 months I will. I am planning to be a graphics designer, maybe for a game company. But I have to work my way up to that point. I also used to volunteer at the local flight museum. I also have a business that I hope gets off the ground. It puts my drawings on t-shirts, tote bags, sweatshirts, and bookmarks. A few people said that my art is so good, that it could make 100k a year or more! Then to make things better, my art teacher said you can make "big bucks" in graphics design. So, do you work? If so what kind of work do you do? What is your dream job? If i make big bucks and still live at home with my parents, I will take them on a vacation of a lifetime!

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01 Apr 2008, 7:49 pm

I've never had a job, which I'm saving for after I (hopefully) graduate college in the Fall. I was a TA at my community college, though, which was necessary for one of my Associate Degrees.

01 Apr 2008, 8:52 pm

I work, I'm a houseperson, I have to clean the men's restrooms, I clean women's now too sometimes, I wash the glasses, put the dirty laundry in the bins, fill the chemical bottles and put soap, shower caps, mouthwash, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion in the caddies, do inventory, empty the trash, vacuum the front entrance, polish the brass, clean the locker rooms, sometimes I make rollaways, I also deliver stuff to guests like microwaves, refrigerators, cribs, hangers, shampoo, etc. but I am waiting to switch to daytime shift from swingshift. I was supposed to start last week but a guy quit before his job even started because he found a better one he says. So I am working swingshift still till my boss can hire another person.

My dream jobs have been being an actress, being a speciel ed. teacher and testing out videogames.


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01 Apr 2008, 9:24 pm

I work in an acedemic library. We're conducting an inventory of the collection.

"The cordial quality of pear or plum
Rises as gladly in the single tree
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02 Apr 2008, 6:52 am

I am a college student.

Previously, I worked as a GIS (mapping) technicicn for a city government. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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