Thanks for the great replies. I mowed lawns as a child and enjoyed the solitude -- alone with my thoughts, as someone just said. There are no meetings and no need to deal with rush hour traffic, or nonsense corporate life. It would also be a chance to keep in shape. Grass grows year round in this area, since the rains come in winter, and during summer months people use sprinklers.
I know what you mean about competition from illegal labor. I had thought of making up flyers with my pic on them, advertising 'hi-tech exec' lawn care or something similar. It might really catch people's attention.
Does anyone know the going rate for mowing, say an average yard? (not that I am sure what average is). Do you charge by the hour?And to those in Oz who requested my services, I would love to visit your country. I guess the lawnmower can be checked as excess baggage

When I mowed I just charged a flat fee, $15, but that doesn't pay much for varying amounts of work. Charging by the surface area of grass you have to mow would be proportional to the gas used and the exercise you put in, but don't charge people based on how long it takes you to do your job - that's not fair.