My dad got me volunteer job at the university he works at three months ago, but lately I've been dreading going in for no reason I can discern. I work in a library, so it's quiet and I rarely have to talk to anyone and I read when we're not busy, yet I usually come home feeling emotionally drained and I lock myself in my room and keep playing music until I calm down or have to go to bed. Fortunately I only volunteer three days a week so I have a day to recover but it usually doesn't help much cause my mom is off work so I have to stay in my room and be quiet or I'll get yelled at. I've already had to leave early because I felt too terrible to continue and I took today off cause I was too scared to even sleep last night and I couldn't even eat breakfast but when I tried to call in sick I got real panicky and ending up hanging up before I finished dialing and hid under my blankie. I'm too scared to tell my parents cause they'll yell.
I have no reason to feel this way. The people I work with are very nice and understanding of my disability, and the work itself is quite enjoyable when I'm not dizzy. I'm already taking medication for my anxiety, so this shouldn't be an issue, but I feel that if things keep going I'll have another nervous breakdown (and I was just feeling like I was getting my life under control.)