I've been looking for a job for 2 years now and nothing yet.
I have been looking a job ever since 11th grade and haven't found one yet. I am very skilled in computers, but I have trouble 'selling' myself to employers. I've tried to go to college, but that didn't work out and now I'm stuck just volunteering at a computer place repairing computers, etc. I live in Raleigh, NC if that's of any help. Does anyone know what I can do to find me a job? I've given up looking for just computer industry jobs and just want anything right now, I don't know how I'll deal with the social interaction yet, but I'll figure something out.
I've applied at BestBuy, TigerDirect, Warp Computers, Circuit City, etc. and none of them even call me back. I do go follow-up after about a week but still get nothing. Should I put that I have AS on the applications or no? I haven't been but I'm wondering if that might help. I'm just at a lost at how to get a job.
Not having a job might be why I'm so depressed, I just sit at home on the computer because I've given up finding something because after 2 years and nothing is very depressing. Does anyone know any employer looking to hire someone? Even a part-time or internship would be fine. I just need something.
I personally have found temp services to be a very reliable way to get jobs. Most times they can put you in factory/warehouse work, which pay fairly well but can be more strenous. If you find an agency, check out what opportunities they have and maybe put your name in with them.
Other than that... I'm in the position right now that I don't want these types of jobs anymore. They were great experiences and very necessary for me to develop socially and proffesionally. But I want to work in a more technical career that suits my talents and strengths.
I would if I could actually find some of these agencies. It's like no one but me has Asperger's here in Raleigh and it's so depressing to. Everyone I talked to says "sorry, but we're full now" or "we got someone more qualified" I think it's just an excuse not to hire me. I have all these skills but no degree (which I want to get one day but it's to stressful for me right now). If I could just get a chance I'd be good with them.
You should never put AS or any other disability on an application. For one have you ever seen that asked on an application? No, because its illegal to ask health or disability related questions on applications or during an interview. Do not tell any employers or co-workers that you have AS. Employers would not hire anyone they knew had problems.
The best thing you can do is go back to college and make it work. Without AT LEAST a bachelors degree a young person has absolutely no future in today's world. There are tons of Aspies in college, so don't use AS as an excuse to not attend. Go into engineering there's tons of AS people in that. Sign up with a temp agency and they can find you a non-social job such as warehouse stocking or custodial. That will give you income and then you start practicing your socializing skills with co-workers so that you can get past your AS. Also go to Goodwill Services and Vocational Rehab and ask them for help finding a job and tell them you are autistic.
The problem applying at big stores like BestBuy and such is that they are looking for A+ certification while paying you less than what they should. They also want 2+ years of actual experience.
11th grade + 2 years tells me you around 18-23.
Look for companies that do phone tech support. I warn you its not a rosy job but its one of the few that dont really need social skills.. because its the clueless people calling in because they broke their computer..and they know it... and they're calling you to get it fixed.
That helps your resume in building pc tech experience. Volunteering at a computer shop does not show very well on a resume.. quite frankly 'volunteer' and 'tech job' dont go together.. to any employer that reads that you did something at the shop other than repair the computers (like keep the shelves stocked or minor clerical/inventory work).
To get a job anywhere you need #1 a degree or diploma or relevant certificate (like the A+ ) and #2 work experience.
Coming back to Best Buy type stores... they look for the A+ and for the experience...and want to pay you LESS than what you'd be paid for in a phone tech support job. I'd suggest you avoid that pit.. they really work you to death and the added stress of having to do face to face customer service on top of fixing the machines is not worth it in my opinion.
Look for local employment agencies in your area, NEVER EVER use one that charges you for it (those are scams ..the real ones get paid BY the employer to find employees) and spam your resume with as many technical stuff as you can.
Instead of 'troubleshoot hardware and software' put stuff like 'troubleshoot peripherals, motherboards & related hardware; windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / XP / VISTA and LAN / WAN Networks'
Please remember that most of the times, the person reading your resume that is in charge of deciding who is hired and who is not... doesnt have a clue about the job itself. Especially if its from an employment agency. The more stuff you put in the more it will weigh in vs other people's applications.
It took me two years to find a job, I finally found one right before my dad was going to kick me out of the house and make me homeless.
All I can say is, don't overlook Mcdonalds and Wal-Mart because they're Mcdonalds and Wal-Mart. Any first job would be good. Having volunteer work, no matter what it is, is good from an employers stand-point. So you have skills, you just need to find someone who is willing to pay you to use them.
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