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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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01 Mar 2008, 2:49 pm

Is there anything wrong with living on benifits at 17? I have a feeling i may never be able to socialise and interact with others because of my autism. Which means i will never be able to work without going insane. I feel guilty also because for those "normal" people who work hard to pay their taxes and i dont work and their money goes to us. I think its unfair on them and feel guilty.:cry:


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01 Mar 2008, 3:39 pm

I think it'd be wrong if you simply did nothing about it and just kept receiving the benefits.

Unlike people without your issue, you may be unable to go out and find whatever type of job. So instead, maybe you can try to use the time and the benefit money to either make yourself a job or as you're 17, go to college, and find work on your own or who knows, start your own business of sorts. Today the internet makes it possible to have an income source without leaving your own home :)

You just got to find what works for you.

Blue Jay
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01 Mar 2008, 4:50 pm

I cant even leave the house.. nevermind going to college. 8O


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01 Mar 2008, 4:50 pm

there are online degrees.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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01 Mar 2008, 5:12 pm

yes but what do i do after that? I cant work outside my home.


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01 Mar 2008, 7:30 pm

i understand what its like, i've been stuck at home on benefits myself for years, it can get very depressing.

please dont feel guilty about it though. feeling guilty doesn't make things any better, it just makes things worse and lowers your self esteem which makes it even harder to go out. remember that people in jobs often claim tax credits and tax allowances, and that can add up to more than the amount you get on benefits! so they're getting even more back off the government than you.

and just look at what the government do spend taxes on, they waste billions on wars! :evil:

so try not to feel guilty, though i know its hard because it can often feel like you're of no use to the world, thats how i get sometimes :cry:

can you get any sort of support to help you get out the house? thats helped me a lot. if you could go out or had help to go out, what sort of thing would you like to do?


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01 Mar 2008, 10:13 pm

well, you can get an education online and use it to maybe do something you can work from home if that is what you wish. Or who knows, maybe it can open the door for you in a job that you are capable of handling.

Its all about not just sitting there doing nothing but actively trying to improve your situation and yourself.

How do you see yourself 20 years from now?

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03 Mar 2008, 3:36 am

sweetcupcake wrote:
Is there anything wrong with living on benifits at 17? I have a feeling i may never be able to socialise and interact with others because of my autism. Which means i will never be able to work without going insane. I feel guilty also because for those "normal" people who work hard to pay their taxes and i dont work and their money goes to us. I think its unfair on them and feel guilty.:cry:

Theres nothing wrong with being on the benefit at 17...aslong as it's temporary and you are trying to do something to get off it.

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