Am I being taken advantage-of at work?
I work for a very large media group in the U.S. (can't name it because I've had people on the internet call me at work, which immediately creeps me out) and I do work as a high-end Automotive graphics designer. You know the big, flashy car ads you see in magazines and newspapers? I build those and have a bunch of awards for doing so. Lately at work, there's been some talk of outsourcing of our graphics design team and I'm not usually the kind of person to speak up in my own defense (even when it's obvious to me that I should), but I survived a company down-size once before, so I figured if I was going to take up for myself, that would be the time. I spoke up at a production meeting, and it was horrible. Not being one to speak in front of other people, I ended up crying like a two-year-old, almost begging these people to let me keep my job. Not my proudest moment, but I really do need this job. My coworkers looked at me like I'd gone bonkers. Oddly enough, though, I think my outburst bought us more time. Now it gets weirder.
In the past couple of weeks, a position came open for assistant to the editor of one of our magazines - a prime graphics position that entails page design and ad design for a 75,000+ circulation publication. (It's a big deal for a graphics person, trust me). Two other girls in my department applied for the job, but they were told that it would only be a lateral move for them and they wouldn't get any kind of a raise with the position, so they turned it down. Next thing I know, I'm getting called into the office and asked if I wouldn't mind taking over the page design for ******* Magazine, including getting my name printed in the masthead of the publication. I would also get to determine the artwork that goes on the cover. I was so excited that I said 'Yes' right away. I hadn't applied for the position because I didn't think I had enough experience, so I was pleased that they thought of me. Of course, I'd said 'yes' before I realized what had really gone on before they called me in.
As I left work on Friday, one of the girls I mentioned before came up to me and told me that the company only approached me for the position because the girls had turned it down and because the company knew I'd take it without asking for a raise. I told her that I hadn't been aware that the position came with a change in pay, but that I was just happy that I still had a job. "Yeah, you'd think that, wouldn't you?" She replied to me.
After much thought, I can't decide if the girl was just being snotty in the way that NT's do when they think they're dealing with someone they feel is inferior, or if she's right, and the company IS handing me the job because they knew I was desperate to remain there. Now I feel like I'm being taken advantage of, or insulted - I can't decide which. Whatever happiness I felt at being picked for this position has evaporated completely. Am I stupid for doing this? The only reason I agreed to it is that I FINALLY get a shot at making creative decisions on an ACTUAL magazine - a Huge feather in my cap. Plus, auto ads are being outsourced to India and other countries so fast that within a year I won't have anything to do.
Feeling very dumb for some reason....
Terminal Outsider, rogue graphic designer & lunatic fringe.
Nope, great decision.
You get to keep your job (unlike the other girls).
You have a more creative position with more responsibility.
You do a wider range of work and learn more transferable skills.
It'll look great on your resume - keep copies of the mag.
You are intelligent, creative and confident (in your own areas).
You are probably great at problem-solving and learning (most NTs are one-trick ponies).
Who cares about public speaking? Try Toastmasters if speaking is important to you.
Wish someone would take advantage of me like that.
nope- you probably did the right thing. Lateral moves are greatly preferable to the outsourced ones. They're jealous because you got something they didn't, and they still have to face the prospect of outsourcing (which goes on everywhere...I'm outsourced myself, though I kept the same job) It's all about money, quarterly dividends, etc.
In IT, we say the Internet sees congestion as damage, and routes around it. You routed around a job that may dissapear, and you may find yourself going higher than ever. Good luck.
Dont let her steal your thunder.You made an intellegent logical decissions and the other girls were hoping the could manipulate the company in to a raise on top of the prestege,experience and avoidance of out sourcing.There is this bizarre thing in jobs,where the people who dont work as hard resent people who are willing to because then it means they have to work harder(in their minds).
Pat yourself on the back and dont waste your time on their petty mind games.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
Visit my wool sculpture blog
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback. It's so difficult these days to make career choices while worrying that you'll suddenly become obsolete. I feel for IT people - they were among the first in our company to be outsourced. There's a real need for some kind of labor union for technical/computer workers, but it's probably too late for it to do any good, either.
much appreciated,
Terminal Outsider, rogue graphic designer & lunatic fringe.
Thanks for your reply - much appreciated. After what you and the others have suggested, it makes sense to keep going with it. I don't know why I started second-guessing myself. At least if I get laid-off, the experience will come in handy.
Best wishes & thanks again!
Terminal Outsider, rogue graphic designer & lunatic fringe.
In the past couple of weeks, a position came open for assistant to the editor of one of our magazines - a prime graphics position that entails page design and ad design for a 75,000+ circulation publication. (It's a big deal for a graphics person, trust me). Two other girls in my department applied for the job, but they were told that it would only be a lateral move for them and they wouldn't get any kind of a raise with the position, so they turned it down. Next thing I know, I'm getting called into the office and asked if I wouldn't mind taking over the page design for ******* Magazine, including getting my name printed in the masthead of the publication. I would also get to determine the artwork that goes on the cover. I was so excited that I said 'Yes' right away. I hadn't applied for the position because I didn't think I had enough experience, so I was pleased that they thought of me. Of course, I'd said 'yes' before I realized what had really gone on before they called me in.
As I left work on Friday, one of the girls I mentioned before came up to me and told me that the company only approached me for the position because the girls had turned it down and because the company knew I'd take it without asking for a raise. I told her that I hadn't been aware that the position came with a change in pay, but that I was just happy that I still had a job. "Yeah, you'd think that, wouldn't you?" She replied to me.
After much thought, I can't decide if the girl was just being snotty in the way that NT's do when they think they're dealing with someone they feel is inferior, or if she's right, and the company IS handing me the job because they knew I was desperate to remain there. Now I feel like I'm being taken advantage of, or insulted - I can't decide which. Whatever happiness I felt at being picked for this position has evaporated completely. Am I stupid for doing this? The only reason I agreed to it is that I FINALLY get a shot at making creative decisions on an ACTUAL magazine - a Huge feather in my cap. Plus, auto ads are being outsourced to India and other countries so fast that within a year I won't have anything to do.
Feeling very dumb for some reason....
the way i see this is that only those two girls applied, you did not, if you had applied you might have been offered the job first, only you didn't, so they couldn't offer it until they gave the other girls a chance. Youe were the first person they asked after the actual applicants. that says something right there. they want to keep you with the company.
Now about the raise, they might have been expecting you to ask for a raise, and truthfully you could probably still ask if you haven't settled on a price tag yet, just go, oh yeah i forgot to ask how much the new job pays. or you can wait and prove yourself in your new position, and then ask for one once you've settled in.
The other girl is a snot and is probably just pissed that they didn't try to buy her with a pay raise. I'll bet she's regretting turning it down.
Take the nifty new job and have fun.
The way I see it is that she is being a snotty little (whatever you want to call her). She is jelous I think.
Maybe they thought of you because you are a talented graphic artist, whose experience has been proven.
They could also have kept you so that other companies miss out on your talent and experience.

Joined: 26 Oct 2007
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Posts: 341
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
When you sign your new contract why not ask them to add in a clause to negotiate a raise after 3 months in your new position? Well done, and enjoy your new role. You deserve it.
I am in agreement with everyone else who said this girl was just being a jealous snot. Don't let her darken your light.
As for this:
When I was younger, if my boss so much as looked at me sideways, I'd be in tears. And speaking in front of a group for any reason, even if it's just to say my name, turns me into a human earthquake!
You might want to look into joining Toastmasters or another like group to learn how to control your emotions when speaking in front of a group. I still feel like a human earthquake when I speak in front of a group, but now people tell me that they don't even notice it.
The money is not important, and certainly no way to measure true happiness. If you are good at your new job, the money will follow. You sound so happy about this. Money should not be a concern here.
If I were you, I would take solice in the fact that she is actually going to lose sleep over you getting a promotion! Her comment tells the tale. She was taking her anger out on you. Score - You: 1, Her: 0
"Whenever I?m about to do something, I think 'would an idiot do that?' and if they would, I do not do that thing."
Like everyone else, I applaud your decision. Good for you for nabbing it... and yes, if you perform your job well, there's a chance for being able to request a raise on down the line.
Yes, this girl was quite a snot. My personal experience has taught me that people who give insulting comments to you couched as "helpful advice" (that's what it sounded like to me) are really trying to minimize your gain and their failure so that they can feel better about themselves and their failings. It's not you, it was all her...
Once again, congrats!
I thought about asking for a raise a few months down the road once I 'proved myself' capable of building a magazine of this quality. Right now, they're not giving raises, though, so this was a purely lateral move. The new job pays the same, but since I'm still doing my 'old' job too, I may ask for a raise at some point before the end of the year.
Take the nifty new job and have fun.
Yes, she is regretting turning it down. She and her friend (as well as one of my bosses) are constantly whispering about me behind my back now. As if I care. The way I see it, if she wanted the damn job she should have taken it. My 'guilt complex' kicked in when I first realized what had happened, but now things are just the way they are and anyone who can't deal with it can just get over it. Thanks for your comments, especially your last one. I actually am enjoying my job now for the first time in a long, long while.
Best wishes,
Terminal Outsider, rogue graphic designer & lunatic fringe.
I'll have to check into this 'Toastmasters.' Sounds like something I could seriously use. Thank you very much for suggesting it.

Terminal Outsider, rogue graphic designer & lunatic fringe.
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