Its a great book and very, very useful. I would recommend anyone looking for insight into their future career plans to have a read and work through it slowly.
However, ultimately only the person reading it can really decide as personal insight is the key to its success. For someone with Asperger this is doubly important because only you know the unique requirements and can then relate them to the workplace and the different career options.
I am quite cynical after many years of job experience but, ultimately, you have to go with your intuition and what your head is telling you. I am clear in my mind what type of work I can excel at and working through the exercises confirmed this. My problem has always been locating the right opportunity; these are rare and I have never been succesful.
The book is, though, a good frame work in helping to achieve this.
pineapple wrote:
Has anyone read this? It's a classic book about how to job search, and it gets updated every year. I'm almost done with it, and I think it's fantastic. It takes a really long time to read and do the activities, but if you un/underemployed, you may enjoy having something to do. I know I do.

It lays everything out in a very systematic way, which I think could work well for many of us. Check it out. It has nothing to do with parachutes.